Great is your Faithfulness to me

Psalm 145:13,14

“Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations. The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving towards all he has made. The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down.” 

My Father, I love you so much. Thank-you for your work in my heart this morning. 

You’re welcome my daughter. I love you too -you are mine. Come, rest deeply in me.

Father, please lead me more deeply into knowing you. 

My daughter, you know me well. Remain teachable and you will know me even better.

Dad, because of your work in me this morning, I have a lightness within me that wasn’t there before, and I am so deeply thankful.

My faithful one, set your mind on things above.

Father, it’s easy for me to worry about things. Help me to always fix my mind on you. 


Hello everyone.. I deeply apologize, I’ve not been writing everyday. The lord has been working in my heart though, and I’m so grateful. At 5:55 this morning the Lord woke me up with a song in my heart, “…and it’s all for your glory…” Temple -Brandon Lake. On the 31st I woke up at 3:46 with the lyrics “Great is your faithfulness to me..” Then later in the morning today these lyrics, “I’m going all in, in order my head, I’m not scared to get lost in your love..”

I had a few dreams last night that I believe are related to each other, so at the end I’ll share what I think they mean. In the first one I was flying really high, and I brought binoculars up to my eyes -I saw the two round circles to look through. At first my vision was blurred and then it wasn’t; I was scouting the land far below. Then I could feel that I was laying on two leather padded things that was carrying me through the air. I felt really secure because I could feel that I was resting heavily on it. Then all of a sudden I had slipped off, and I was trying to get a good grasp so I wouldn’t fall. I remember thinking that I couldn’t believe I was in that place where I was almost falling. 

Then I was in a house and it was a bit dark. I saw a woman sitting on the floor with her arms around her legs, looking despairingly up at me, and I had a knowing that she had unbelief. I could see by sensing strongly that the enemy was all around her and that’s why she had unbelief. I also knew that Jesus could rescue her so I began yelling at the top of my lungs, “In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus!” Then I saw that Jesus had rescued her and that she wasn’t filled with unbelief anymore, instead I saw that she was more peaceful. I apologized to her afterward because at that crucial moment I hadn’t asked her if I could pray for her, but because of her great need to be set free, I just did. As I was yelling, “in the name of Jesus,” I could hardly move my lips and yell out because I knew the enemy was making it difficult, but after the first time I yelled it out it was easier. Then I was still in the house and someone had, in the past, baked two loaves of bread and some kind of sauce, and needed to bake another loaf and sauce. I told her that she could go ahead and do what she needed to do and I would bake the bread and make the secret sauce for her because I knew the recipe -I knew how to do it. So she left to do what she needed to do and I began putting it together when that part of my dream ended. 

Then I dreamt that there was a bad guy trying get someone who was standing not too far off, but this person escaped by going high into the air and vanishing. When this person vanished, I saw something like white light where they had been. I saw that the bad guy was frustrated that they got away. Then it was me who was high in the air, way above what reminds me of a castle. I had flown up high and then dove down really fast, not caring if the bad guy would see me. I was targeting something I’m not sure what, but I had a feeling in my dream that I needed to hit the bottom and the bottom would open up or be an entry to another place or realm. 

So this is what I believe my dreams are about: A few days ago I had decided to recommit my life to Christ and get baptized again this Sunday -I was baptized as a teenager. At first I was really exited to do it and then yesterday I lost all my peace about it. My sister was praying for me and I think these dreams are about that. I’m not sure about exactly what but I had unbelief in my heart about something. I also think it was the Lord’s leading in my dream to be able to come against the enemy about this unbelief. I really wanted to know what the Lord thought about me being baptized again because I don’t want to do things like this just because I want to -there needs to be a reason or purpose for me to do it. This morning as I was doing dishes I was listening to Brandon Lake’s album, House of Miracles, and I think the Lord was working miracles in my heart -I’m sensing a lightness in my spirit that wasn’t there before. So I’m getting baptized again, which I can hardly believe, but I think it’s kind of like a door that I need to walk through that will give me more freedom. And, I’m not going to be afraid to say that the Lord has led me to know what my calling is during our journey together, to be a pastor -I don’t mind if people know. I feel like I’m diving in; in my dream from going higher into the air to diving down, I remember a turning point from going higher to diving down, so I think this means that where I am in my walk with the Lord has come to a turning point. The dream about baking bread and making my sauce, I think has to do with me getting my message ready. I was so lost about how to do this, but I’m listening to my mentors lessons about speaking and I also have Bible Project. 

Yesterday morning when I began my Bible study I was looking at the words in the passage and I noticed that all the “g’s” around where I was focusing were standing out to me. If I would focus on one word, all the g’s in the words around it stood out to me. If it wasn’t the bible, I would have kept my eyes on one spot and marked all the g’s to see if I would miss any. I noticed that if I looked further down and focused on another word, all the g’s around that area would become darker so that I could see everyone of them. Isn’t that so cool? I don’t remember what passage it was because it was so low-key that I didn’t dwell on it. But now when I look at a passage it doesn’t happen -maybe that’s one of my superpowers!! Ha! I think if I come across that particular book and chapter, I’ll remember because I think I had marked about 5 or 6 verses before that. The letter g is the seventh letter in the alphabet… I know I need to prepare my message and speak in order to be a light to the world.. it’s just been so difficult knowing how to prepare, but I’m hoping it won’t take too long now. I’m wondering if it’s almost too late, if I need to share before summer. Alright, blessings to all of you -hope you have a good night…