Gaining Momentum to Soar!

My Father, please come and fill my heart with your presence. I draw near to you. Please come and speak with me and draw me deep into your heart. You are my life and my hope. 

I love you Caroline, you are mine and I will surely draw near to you today -come.

Father, I don’t know what the “more” looks like, but I need more of you. 

Caroline, I’m drawing you near, rest -I am yours. 

I’m here Father, waiting for you. I worship you Father. I love your will for my life. I love how you want to work through me to draw others nearer to you. I love the purpose you’ve chosen for me and can hardly wait to be able to step into it. 

You already are. You’ve been following me this whole time Caroline, and I will always lead you in your purpose. 

Dad, I know… I was just thinking I’d be further along than where I’m at right now. With you reminding me that I’m already walking in your purpose for me in this time frame helps me to be content. I know its your job to always prepare me for what’s next. Forgive me for wanting to run ahead.You’re my Dad and you know what’s best, so I rest in you as I put my trust in you again. 

I love you my dear one. All is well with you. 


I think on our journey with the Lord we all need reassurance about our walk. How the Lord encouraged me a few years ago was through a dream where I was running up a really thick tree-trunk that represents himself, and I ran onto a really thick branch that was thicker than what I am. I ran onto this branch, gaining speed as I prepared to jump off the branch to fly. This dream is so precious to me because God is showing me what it looks like spiritually as I push through in order to have time with him everyday. The branch of who I am is strongly connected to him who is my source of life. Jumping off to fly hasn’t always been easy (doubting that I hear his voice in our walk together). As I’m thinking about this, in the natural we gain momentum when we run down a hill or on a flat surface, but in my dream I was gaining momentum as I ran up, so that when I got to my branch I was already running full speed ahead! Wow, God always amazes me… God is my source of strength -I could never run up a tree-trunk. God so easily does what’s impossible for us to do, and that testifies about him that we can’t ever do his will in our life in our own strength, it’s clearly impossible. I think too that guessing what his will is for us causes us to strive, trying to do what we think is his will for us, in our own strength -this would be exhausting! That’s why its so important to have a solid foundation that is built on (as we spend time with) Jesus and the Father through the Holy Spirit. God always equips us for what’s next, and we can’t ever guess what that might be because even if we try, we can’t lead ourselves; we can only be at one place at one time, unlike Jesus who leads us, walks beside us and lives in us, all at the same time. It reminds me that God surrounds us as we follow his leading, and we are never alone -he sustains us through every difficulty. 

The Lord gave me a dream last night where I was in my condo on ground-level. I didn’t see it but it felt like I was in a high apartment building but on ground level, which was located in a busy city. I opened up my curtain a ways and I saw that there were a few people noticing I was there. I noticed one particular person standing right next to and facing the window, looking in. I sensed that I was wealthy -living well. My window, which was the whole wall, wasn’t right next to the sidewalk; it was like there was a space between my window and the window that was right next to the sidewalk, which was also like a wall. I’m not sure what this dream represents other than myself being transparent so that others can see God’s work in my life. I’m sensing that this is the last week of recording… but I won’t plan on stopping unless the Lord continues to lead in this direction. However long God wants me to record, I know there’s a purpose. Blessings!