Trusting a Faithful Friend

My Father, thank-you for your love. Deepen my understanding about your love for me. Hide me in the shelter of your Mighty wings. Is there a place in my heart Father that can’t receive your love? Show me so I know. And then help me surrender this area to you. Show me Father or I won’t know. 

My faithful one -trust. 

Father, during the last while I’ve really been thinking about my next steps with you, and I know deep down that I’m ready for what you have for me. If I’m not seeing something, then please show me -you know my heart better than I do. 

Caroline, you are ready for the next step, and I’m not holding you back. Follow me continually, and I will lead the way. 

Okay Dad, I trust you, and I love you. 


Last night around midnight in my dream I saw from above her, a girl who was sitting cross legged on the floor, holding a sheet of paper with writing on it that she was reading. Then I heard what she heard, “Its not a blessing, its a curse!” Then I saw her become horrified as I felt an arm begin to slide around my neck, and then I immediately woke up. I was horrified and afraid to fall back asleep. I bound the enemy away from me in Jesus’ name and soon fell back asleep. This is something I will definitely get prayer for. I know the enemy knows that God is leading me and working in my heart, and I know that the enemy’s trying his hardest to stop that. But I’m not afraid to keep walking where the Lord is leading because the Lord is so much greater in every way than him. I also know some of God’s plans for me so I know that the enemy won’t be able to do much. The enemy is threatening me because I’m a threat to him!

Then I dreamt that I was standing on a really high elevated ground in the shape of a block, and I was with my faithful friend that I never see. The block was swaying back and forth and I nearly tipped over the edge. Then it was tipping forward and became only as high as a step, and feeling good I stepped off of it onto level ground. 

I do feel very silly that I’m posting all my dreams but this is part of my journey with the Lord that he’s asked me to do. And I will honour him, obey him, and trust him because I love him -he’s always been faithful. I’m also obeying the Lord because I have a deeper sense of his love and value for me, and I for myself. I think that I’m respecting myself and love the person who God made me to be when I follow the Lord in this journey. I think the more I know this deep in my heart, the further I’ll be able to follow him in our journey together. I’m planning on recording again this week, most likely on Friday. I believe that I’m in a soft-landing transition… blessings!