Green Light!!

Proverbs 10:21

“The lips of the righteous nourish many…”

My Father, I love you so much. Thank-you for waking me up to know your love. My heart is filled with your peace because of it.

I love you my daughter -you are Mine and I delight in you. Come, I have a word for you today.

I’m eagerly walking with you Jesus.. I’d love to know what the word is Lord.

Come my faithful daughter; all is well with you. You are in good standing with me. Rest and be reassured; My time has come.

Come Father. I welcome you here in this place. I lift up my eyes to you with confidence and boldness, for I know that my heart is pure in your sight. 

Come boldly into my thrown room my daughter, for you have found favour with Me. Ask, my daughter, and you will receive. 

Father, I’ve already asked for wisdom and humility. What else do you want me to ask for Father? Lord, I’m sensing the word “strength,” so I ask for strength to continue to walk where you are leading me. Please give me spiritual and physical strength so that I can walk in longer durations, always trusting in you so that I won’t become overwhelmed.

Come my faithful one; you are Mine. 


I first need to apologize because I had received two words from the Lord yesterday and had written them down, but I completely forgot about them. I woke up two nights ago at 3:31 and I had heard this sentence in my heart, “You always tell me what it means.” And then that night at 4:34 I also heard right before the Lord woke me up, “You always do what’s right.” I’m not sure about the first one, but for the second one, I always try my best to do what the Lord is asking, so my heart is reassured about that-thank-you Lord. Last night I had a sense of playing ping-pong; I saw white ping-pong balls:) 

Last night I woke up at 2:20, and I had dreamt that I was in the forest of a foreign country, and someone had discovered green rock that was very valuable, inside the ground. I was standing in this forest, a few meters away, watching someone on their hands and knees, digging it up. I could see green light shining out of the ground. The ground had a bit of a long crack in it, about two feet long, so I saw bright green light coming out through this crack. I had looked for it previously and hadn’t found it, but now it had been found. The green rock was so precious and held so much power, reminding me of the second Wakanda movie. It was like I was hearing someone on the news, telling the story of this rock and that someone had found it; this was such an important event because of what the green rock represented and because of how rare the rock was and how difficult it was to find. Part of the story was that no one was preventing people from taking it, so it was free to be taken. I had the feeling that this rock was so valuable and so powerful that whoever found it was the luckiest person. I don’t know what this represents, but there’s a green light, and green means go! I sense though that the Lord is taking me up to another level spiritually, so it could have something to do with that.

Then I was in the foyer of a church, and a conference was about to begin. There was a table filled with desserts. So many people were there, going into the big room like the theatre, and sit down to get ready to listen to the speaker. I felt a lot of excitement in everybody. I was talking to Sohee as I was filling my plate; I saw a long braided apple pastry which I took. It had been laying behind other desserts. When I had it in my hand, a big portion of it had already been taken but there was still about a hand-length left. I really wanted to take it all but I tore it into two pieces, intending to only take part of it so others could also have some, but the part that ripped off was about 1/4 of the whole thing, and I took the bigger piece and put it onto my plate and put the smaller piece back:) I was so hungry that I think I was eating as I was filling my plate, but even though I thought I had taken something else too, I didn’t see anything else on my plate. Sohee asked me if I remembered something, doing something that she had asked me to do earlier, and I said I had completely forgotten about it. She had asked me about doing something with a small stack of deep blue, 2X2 square papersĀ  that had a drawing of a tulip on them -only the flower/petal part, not the stem or leaves; the drawing of the tulip took up the whole paper and I think I needed to cut it out. The only picture of a tulip I saw was that they had already been cut out, so I’m not sure exactly what I needed to do with them, but in my dream I knew exactly what I needed to do. So I thought in order not to forget again, I’d do it right away, right close to where she was sitting, so I took the small stack of papers and brought it to where she was sitting among the desserts and began working on them. (two lips? two people leading a game? I need to cut it out, meaning I’m not supposed to lead with another person?) I think I saw a small round table there but I’m not sure. I had put down my plate with dessert and began working on what she had asked me to do; I didn’t see my hands or paper at this point, but I was looking at my friend Sohee who was looking at the sweet dessert in my plate; she wanted to have a piece so she asked me if she could have a piece and I said sure, she could have the corner piece. So I saw her begin to break off the corner piece with her hands. I saw her face and saw the hunger in her face for it; someone else also wants to lead a game, and I can’t be selfish about it? In the background I could hear that the conference had already started; I heard a man begin to talk into the mic and knew he was standing on the stage. I’m thinking the Lord’s letting me know that my time for speaking is coming soon..

I wrote all the above on my phone in one hour, from 2:20-3:20ish. I couldn’t fall back asleep and knew that it was probably around 4:15, and my alarm would soon go off for me to get ready to head to the gym. I really wanted to go because we’d be doing deadlifts today, but I was so tired. Then I fell asleep and dreamt something that showed me it was okay that I didn’t go to the box today so I stayed home and slept; I was so thankful for this rest:) Then before I awoke in the morning I had dreamt that I saw Jesus my husband standing outside in front of a group of people who were sitting in chairs, facing him, waiting for him to begin teaching something. We all had gotten an official government paper that we needed to fill out, and he was going to go through it with everyone to help clarify the questions.He called out one last time to anyone else that needed help and I quickly ran to him to ask him something. It was busy, many people around, and there were people between him and myself so I needed to wait to get his attention. Then I had a knowing that he had a title, which was Pastor… , and I was surprised by the title because I don’t call him by that name. Then I was quiet for a few moments and in those few moments he turned his head to look at me. Then I attempted to ask him what I wanted to ask him but because there were so many people between us, talking, that I was cut off a few times. So then I asked the question to the person that was beside me on my right.

Then the scene changed where I was in an apartment building right beside where they were. The reason I was in my apartment was to look for the paper that I needed to fill out/ the paper that he was going to help us with. Then I was looking through the window, seeing him as he was talking to the group. Then I opened up the window all the way to ask him if he had an extra paper for me (I’m assuming because I couldn’t find mine), but when I slid up the window, I didn’t see anybody; the yard was empty. So I looked to my right and saw that they were inside a tent a little ways away. So what I saw before I slid open the window was a reflection, which couldn’t have been him because he was outside in the tent; I had seen him in my own reflection; he took the place of me.. I think this is another way the Lord is showing me that he really is leading me to be a pastor.. Then I had another quick dream where I was doing something the Lord had asked me to do, and Jesus my husband was standing right in front of me. I was fully exposed and I was 100% fine with that, that Jesus my husband was watching me and he couldn’t take his eyes off me. I noticed that seeing me exposed was doing something to him, causing him not to be able to speak, and I knew that he loved what he saw:) Yes! Finally I’m 100% comfortable with making myself vulnerable on stage!! Late morning today I met with my mentor, such a great visit! I told her about the dream about the big “dance room,” and she said that dancing is a picture of having freedom, so it doesn’t mean to actually dance. She also said that I will probably have more freedom in my identity, being myself onstage when I let those sad memories go (the rain water in the trunk that I needed to empty before closing the trunk). I’ve been sitting here all afternoon, trying to write as fast as I can because there was so much to write! Many blessings to you!!