Guard Rest Fiercely

My Father. You’re my solid anchor -thank you for your nearness. I love you so much.

My daughter -through me your days will be many -years will be added to your life. Old things have passed away and all things have become new. You are mine -I love you.

Father, I feel like the Holy Spirit in me is about to burst something in me that I won’t be able to contain, like when someone first begins to pray in the spirit and the outpouring of joy that comes with it. Holy Spirit, please come and do your work in me. 

My faithful daughter, come boldly before me, for I know who you are. You are mine -my daughter whom I love. Ask me boldly for things…the desires of your heart. Come Caroline, for I have made a way where there is no way.

Father, you know our journey and where we’re going. What desire would please you in the season we’re in? You’ve already given me a weapon, a sword called wisdom. I know I’ve not always used it to my full advantage; I think this is a lifetime journey of growing in it. But if theres another weapon I could use exactly for this time, which weapon would it be Father? Please bring me to this place where I can receive another weapon. 

My faithful one, come and rest. Being at rest is also a weapon. Be bold in your rest and guard it fiercely. You’ve come far, and you’re not far from home. I love you my dear one -you are mine.


Having known for a while that my dad was going to die, I have already been able to go through a journey of grief and healing. Just like a physical wound needs time to heal and be restored, my heart has had time to heal and be restored, even while he was still here with us. Because I knew he was going to pass away, I’ve been more intentional about telling him that I love him, and though being a quiet person, it gave him the opportunity to tell me he loved me, and every time I heard these words, they were like treasure in my heart. It’s definitely going to take some time to adjust, but I know that he’s more alive now than he ever was. And this is faith. Just because I can’s see him, doesn’t mean he’s not alive. Just because I can’t see him, doesn’t mean I’m living life without him. I am still living my life alongside him, this just looks differently because he’s in heaven and I’m here. In this way we’re still very close together because we both have the Holy Spirit living inside our heart, and this is the closest connection anyone can have, to be connected through God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, because God is love, and love is the strongest connection we can ever have.