Yes Jesus, I want to marry You!!!

Psalm 28:7, “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.” 

My Father, thank-you with all my heart for leading me in to having intimacy with you. My heart is filled with joy and peace when I look at you, remembering the long and difficult but so completely fulfilling journey with you. 

My daughter come, you have walked where not many have walked. You’ve come out of a difficult journey, victorious. We’ve won many battles together, you and I. Come, the stage is set and the time is near. Come boldly into the throne room, for my grace is sufficient for you. 

Jesus, I lift up my hands in praise and worship to you. You have done such a great thing for me. Who else is like you in Majesty? There is none like you, for you have the power to save and have saved me. I love you so very much!!

Come my dear one, the time is at hand. We will walk forward together. 

Jesus, I never thought it would be me asking you this….I love you… will you marry me? 

Yes my darling, I will marry you, for you are my beautiful bride in who my heart delights. I am honoured to call you my wife. You are mine.


Psalm 30:1-3, “I will exalt you, O Lord, for you lifted me out of the depths and did not let my enemies gloat over me. O Lord my God, I called to you for help and you healed me. O Lord, you brought me up from the grave; you spared me from going down to the pit.” 

I’ve come to learn in my faith-walk with Jesus that every time he asks me to follow him, he’s gently asking me, “Will you marry me?” And every time I say yes, I walk into a deeper level of intimacy with him. I recognize now that Jesus has asked me several times to marry him, and I see now that as the Lord watches over us, he sees when we’re ready to take the next step, and this is when he asks us this most intimate question. 

We’re all invited to come to the Lords wedding when we can finally meet him face to face, and just like there are more people there as guests who watch the wedding and watch as the bride and bridegroom can finally meet, it’s the bride who knows the groom more intimately because of the time spent together and who shares a passionate love with him. God the Father wants his Son to marry a bride who knows him intimately and who’s grown a deep and passionate love relationship with him that has been tested through hardship over a length of time. 

Last night I dreamt that I was really high up in the sky, and I was next to a whole bunch of streamers, flapping in the wind. I vaguely saw what the streamers were attached too; Something huge was being pulled by something that I didn’t see, and there were cables with some kind of clamps, and this is what the streamers were attached to. What it felt like in my dream was that a group of people were pulling something really big, and the cables remind me of ropes with knots. I thought to myself that if this didn’t work and it would fall, so many people would get hurt because of how high up we were. It reminds me of when a couple gets married and there are wedding bells and streamers being dragged behind the car as they drive away together. From where I was high in the sky, I only saw clearly the end of the streamers as they were flapping in the wind -this was my point of view.

Then I was standing on the ground, talking with my husband. Our car was getting repaired at the shop so we only had our truck nearby. There was a lady who was also nearby who was going in the same place as my husband, so he would go with her and I would take the truck to go to the place where I needed to go. 

Then I was standing in a field with someone who had sensed an airplane coming from the dark clouds in the distance. I saw a really sleek airplane coming through the clouds, flying on the landing strip really fast and coming to a quick stop just passed the trees that were hiding it from view. 

Then I was walking with a group of people, confiding in the one beside me. I was going to tell him something but thought to tell the whole group at the same time, about how someone wanted to marry me and had already asked me a few times, at different times in our journey together. Yes Jesus, theres a love in my heart for you that’s been there for a long time. God had already put a deep love in my heart for you many years ago, I just didn’t know who it was for, but now I do. You have led me and drawn me to yourself so that I could recognize that it’s you. Your love for me has awakened my love for you, and this love has been growing with every step we’ve taken together in this very long journey into intimacy. I cannot live my life without you. I love you and my answer is yes, I will marry you…. will you marry me??❤️‍🔥🙏