Meeting Me

My Dad, I can’t stop smiling right now….I’ve finally met me, the person you’ve created me to be. I love who I am and I’m astounded by what you told me last night. I can feel my heart beating -please calm my heart.

Caroline my daughter, tell me what I revealed to you. Who are you and what have I called you to do?

I’m your daughter first, and you’ve called me to be a pastor! 

Yes I have (I see him smiling). Are you pleased with this?

Dad, I’m more pleased with this than I can express, and I’ll do my best to please you as I keep following you. But Father, this is a classic way to respond, but I really can’t help but say that I’m only me, called to do such great work for you, and yes, I have so much doubt and know that within myself I can’t do this great work. You’ve already shown me that without you I can’t speak what you want me to say, so I take comfort in this, knowing that I won’t ever be doing this alone and that you hold me close to your heart -always. I’m simply in awe of you Dad, to draw me nearer into your heart in the most amazing way. I really don’t know where to go from here, so I’m waiting for you. 

My faithful daughter, I love you and I bless you. This journey is now complete. I’ve showed you the way -walk in it. You are Mine. 


I’m sitting here, rereading my conversation with the Lord, and I can hardly believe this is where the Lord is taking me. This is the dream I had last night: I was at someone’s place, hanging out with a young girl who told me things, and I believed her. Then a mature person came and told me not to believe her stories because they weren’t true. Then someone, maybe the same mature person, led me to meet another person at their place who was sitting outside with their friend. It felt like this person was like a new neighbor. It was a bit of a walk because his yard was long, and he was sitting at the end of his yard. I introduced myself, and as I reached out my hand to shake his, I looked at our hands and saw the connection, us holding hands -a warm handshake. I said, “Hi, I’m a pastor… a pastor in training.” 

Wait a minute, I’m a what? I’ve been sensing this for some time but thought it couldn’t be true. I knew the Lord wanted me to speak on some level because he led me to start recording, but to be a pastor? Well, who am I to say no to God? Oh my…. well, my one word is YES!! I’m so excited, but what do I do now?? I’m planning to record today, on another snow day, and I can’t stop smiling.. I’m not sure if I’ll get anything done today to tell you the truth – I’m in a bit of shock. I’m thinking of ways that I could be misinterpreting my dream, but I’m not going to be leading myself so if God wants this done, he’ll make it happen. Also, I need to wait for confirmation, maybe more than a few. Blessings to you!