Your Love is Greater..

1John 4:4

“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”

My Dad, I love you.

I love you my darling. Come, I’m waiting here for you.

Okay Lord. I’m turning around, making a U-turn and driving back to where I should have crossed the highway. 

I love you my daughter. Come, I have a word for you today. 

Okay Lord, what is it?

I love you.

I know Lord. You tell me that all the time. 

Come, there’s more in store I have for you.

Father, what’s in store for me?


Father, thank-you that you are going to restore my honour. 

I love you Caroline. Rest, all is well with you; you’re in right standing with me. I bless you. 


I had this conversation with the Lord this morning before church.. I was so pleased that Jesus affirmed the word, honour. I feel honoured and affirmed by him. In my dream last night I was driving south on the 59hwy. In my dream this hwy made a loop back to where I had originally started from and I thought to myself why I would come all this way only to circle back to where I had started; it was such a waste of time. So I began looking for opportunities to make a U-turn. In my dream, the lane going south was a separate hwy than the lane going north, and there were connections between these lanes that I was looking for so that I could turn around. I had just passed one of these connections, and as I was looking for the next one, there was a huge pothole that took up the whole lane I was driving in, so I needed to make a quick decision and swerve into the lane right next to the one I was driving in. Right at that moment when I needed a lane to turn in, the hwy had a double lane, but I don’t remember it having a double lane at any other time in my dream. So I believe God made a way for me to not get spiritually stuck in a “pothole” by providing a way where there was no way. That’s when my dream ended. But in my dream before I made the wrong turn by turning south, I should have gone directly across the 59hwy, not drive onto it. But I did, and this hwy looped back to the hwy I had originally started from, which is hwy 311 going east out of my town. I needed to keep heading east, which crosses hwy 59. In waking life I had become discouraged. It’s difficult to not look at what’s right in front of me, which I think was the big pothole that I just missed. When life becomes difficult it’s easy for me to retreat into myself, which I’ve begun to recognize that that’s when I harden my heart. Spiritually I don’t know how to change things other than trying to focus on God and not on the difficulty that’s right in front of me, and its easier said than done. Gods love is stronger, and when I picture/ focus on the evidence of love, I do see love.. I hadn’t realized until today that my heart still needs softening.. I’m praying that the Holy Spirit will please soften my heart because I have no idea how this can be done other than following Jesus and doing what he asks me to do. What else can I do to help myself? Another quick dream I had is that I was in church, standing behind my mom who had poured black coffee into a cup. I wondered if I needed to pay for it and then in my dream I knew I didn’t need to this time. I normally don’t drink black coffee but I did this morning! I don’t remember ever drinking black coffee. I believe this represents having a strong friendship, and I’m pleased to do this for Jesus!! On Friday we did thrusters at the gym, and my one rep max was 80lbs; I’m so excited about being able to put on more weight onto the bar! I’m planning on recording on Wednesday, so I don’t think I’ll go to the box that day; my plan is to do my third workout day on Saturday at 8:00AM and find my one rep max for my back and front squats. I’m not exactly sure about tomorrows workout, but it’ll have pull-ups, box jumps and power cleans. We’re watching a movie tonight, Superman -Man Of Steel. Hope you’ll have a wonderful day tomorrow. Blessings…☕️