I’m So Blessed

Jeremiah 31:13

“Then maidens will dance and be glad, young men and old as well. I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.” 


My Daddy, you are my source, and I’m so desperate for you. 

I am near, my daughter; come near to me -I am your rest.

Daddy, I worship you. Please come and fill my heart; I need you so desperately!

Come my faithful one, I am near to you. Speak, for you are Mine.

Daddy, help me; I know I’m not done yet.

Come my daughter, fear not; I am Faithful and True.

Daddy, please crown me with courage. I’m putting my faith in you about speaking the message you’ve put into my heart, and I’m leaning into you for my strength. 

My daughter, you are Mine and I love you.

Daddy, You are my anchor and my firm foundation, and I know I can do all things through Christ who give me strength. Help me not forget this in moments of pressure. 

My daughter, rise up, for I have called you blessed.

Thank-you Daddy. You have blessed me so much and I am so thankful.. Great is your faithfulness to me. 


Happy Monday!! I was so blessed yesterday with words of encouragement and also with meeting new friends! Early this morning I awoke at 3:15 with the lyrics, “trust your timing -I’ll remain in you, you’ll remain in me, cause you know better…” This brings comfort to my heart because I know it’s a special message from God, my Daddy, who’s reminding me to trust in Him and His timing; when I put my trust in him completely is when I remain in him and him in me. God really does know better.

Last Friday on our way home from Rushing River I was really amazed because the construction workers had blasted through huge mounds of rock that went up really high, and the roads were still gravel and had small chunks of rock on the road. I was in awe about it because normally we don’t get to see it freshly blasted through like that! Last week I finished my message and now I need to present it in person.. I know that as I practice, I’ll grow in confidence. Jesus is with me and is also waiting for me, so with confidence I will go to him. At the gym we’re continuing with our lifting program; I didn’t print my sheet yet but will today. So today I just added 10lbs to what I did previously for my back squats. Then for the workout we did a 7 min AMRAP of: 7 Power Snatches (I only did a 45lb bar), and 10 wall balls. Today after dropping Lucas off at Bible study, Bella and I will go to Costco. I’m drawing close to Jesus as I prepare to present my message.. ✌🏼