This Hidden Place

My Father, I have so much life and hope in my heart, and I know that that’s what love does.. you are Love and your Words are full of life. Thank you for reviving my heart with your unending love’s pursuit..

You are mine Caroline. I have brought you near -I love you. My darling, come nearer to me still, and I will draw you nearer still -you are mine.

My Dad, you’ve filled the deepest longing of my heart with your love. Expand this deep place you’ve created so I can live freely in this place, this hidden place where you and I walk together. 

My daughter, My sister, My bride, you are ready and I have come. I am well pleased with you. 

Father, I know that our life here is a preparation for when we will finally meet you face to face, which is our wedding day. I want to do my best to please you my Dad. I love you and I lift up Your Holy Name that is above every other name. I worship you Father, the Maker and Creator of all things -my Good Good Father. 


God gave me a dream this night where I was with someone, my usual companion that I sense more than see, and we had been led to where we were, which was right on top of an ocean. It was like we were in the spirit because we were not in a boat or anything. I think it was nighttime because it was a bit dark, and I saw a form a few yards in front of us, and I knew we were to follow him and go down into the ocean. So I braced myself and went in very deep. At the bottom of the ocean it was still dark, but light enough for me to see a dark hole, an entrance on the side of a cliff. It looked scary but I knew I needed to go through this to get to the other side. Then we were on the other side and I saw an amazing sight! We were inside a green forest and I saw a path in front of me that I could see had been walked on a lot. There were many paths here that were all connected to each other. I vaguely remember seeing a person who was very agile, able to move quickly and easily, and I sensed this person knew this forest inside and out because of how long they had been there…this was home for them. Im not exactly sure what this dream represents but I think it shows doing through difficulty (night) but led by the Holy Spirit (water). After the difficulty there will be sunshine and personal growth. This place looked so inviting to me to run in, because I enjoy trail running. I think it also represents the hidden place where we meet personally with God, and I definitely picture this to be such a joyful place to be!!