Face to Face

My Father, you have my whole heart. I feel like I’ve stepped into a new day. I can feel your tangible presence, your amazing love filling my heart in a way I’ve never felt before. Yep, this morning’s a crying day for me. I feel like I’ve gained freedom like I’ve been born again, and that you’ve been marinating my heart in the river of life before your throne and have been whispering your thoughts of love into my heart, into the deepest part of who I am. Please show me more of who I am because I want to know! Dad, I cling onto you and I don’t ever want to loosen my grip. I’ve only begun this new journey with you and I need you so desperately!

You are mine, my child. Today has come and is a new day! Today is a day to rejoice my daughter because you’ve come home.

Father, I feel that in a way I’ve been like the prodigal son. Help me to understand this with deeper insight. I’ve been hiding from your love because I’ve felt like it’s too good for me. I know that no-one deserves your love like their entitled to it, yet it’s an essential need we have that you’ve placed within us. You are beautiful Father, and I soak in your presence, Holy Spirit.

I love you Caroline. I’ve shown you the way I want you to go. Don’t be afraid to walk this road with me -you will never be alone my dear one. You are mine. 

Dad, you are the same today as you were at the beginning of time. In the journey we’ve just completed, you’ve shown yourself to me and have led me in the most amazing way. You’ve also shown me how you lead so I know you’ll continue in this new journey and throughout my life. I trust you Father. You are before me and I set my new-found eyes on you! 


This morning as I was sorting through the beans to soak, I also realized how badly I needed to soak in the Lords presence through worship. My heart was like a dry sponge to the Joy that came as I sang songs of worship to Him. I think that lately I’ve been so caught up in the escalating effect of coming to the end of my journey into knowing more fully who God has made me to be that I had begun to face that instead of facing my Lord, who is sitting right at the table with me. Today I’ve turned my heart and my eyes fully on the Lord and have made room for him by soaking, which I’m going to purposely do from now on. I’m sensing that my focus is changing slightly… I need my friendship with him to deepen, and I need to learn how to prepare for my recordings better. I know where the Lord is leading me now so I feel inspired, having a deeper sense of purpose. I believe the Lord and embrace his calling on my life!