In the Kitchen with Jesus….

Psalm 44:4

“You are my King and my God, who decrees victories for Jacob.”


My Daddy, You are all to me, to my heart. I adore you and I worship you with all that I am. I belong to you whole-heartedly. You are mine now and mine forever. I praise your Holy name. 

I love you my daughter. Come, now is the time; I am near to you.

Dad, I’m doubting that I’m hearing from you. Please rescue me from this inner turmoil. 


Daddy, I’m soaking in your presence and being aware of your nearness today. Thank-you for being so near to me -I love you.

I love you my daughter. Rest assured that I am near to you -you are Mine. 


Hello, happy Saturday:) I had such a good week this week, hanging out with friends. After I helped clean up pots and pans in our church kitchen yesterday it dawned on me that this could represent a dream I had several years ago. I was in a private airplane, looking out of a right side window and I could see behind us, a brightly lit-up ferris wheel and other rides. Then I saw we were flying over a desert and into a wide and deep crevice that was hidden. On the floor of this crevice was a really big green, luscious garden, and I saw a woman with a basket walking in it to gather greens for a meal. It felt like royalty. Then we kept on flying and flew sideways into what looked like a crack in the wall of the crevice. Then Jesus and I were inside a really big kitchen, and the counters were all filled with dirty pots and pans. There was a door on the side of the kitchen close by and there was some kind of celebration feast about to begin inside the room. I wanted to go and sit at the long table that I knew was there but Jesus was washing and drying the pots and pans and I felt like he was asking me to do the same before I’d go in. In my dream I didn’t have an option, I needed to wash the pots and pans with Jesus before joining the celebration. So washing the pots and pans yesterday at church reminded me about that. Tomorrow there’s going to be a wedding at church which my kids and I will be going to, just to the ceremony. This morning I made pancakes and sausages and onions for brunch. I feel so honoured about Jesus my husband.. I think our personal relationship is becoming more real to me, feeling like it’s becoming more of a reality. Last night I had a vague dream about looking at myself in a full length mirror. Bella and I went to the Outlet mall yesterday evening and I tried on a dress which I got but I’m going to return. I enjoy clothes shopping more now than I have in the past, and I’ve never been a big spender. The other day I heard a story about someone who had to wait ten years before an event, and then needed to wait more years, though I’m not sure how many, maybe 8? I think that that is truly more admirable than I have words for… I think it speaks a lot about a persons character and where their heart is at -something that draws trust and faith in others when they see this in another person, thats for sure!! I told someone that I had never had a migraine, and I think that’s actually not true.. I described a scenario to a doctor one time last year and he told me that I had had a migraine. I did’t feel any pain but part of my vision was cut off in one of my eyes. So I took a nap and when I woke up I had my full vision again. Bella began watching Peter Rabbit the other day and I was watching it as I was working in the kitchen. I finally watched the last Mandalorian episode; I enjoy them. I’m determined to get my kids and I to organize our house in the next few weeks. It seems like I’ve been so busy writing or working that I’ve neglected it. I got to take home some very tasty potato wedges, mushrooms and garlic broccoli!! I love mushrooms like that and I’ve never tasted such strong garlic in a broccoli salad before -super delicious!!! I also enjoy brown rice but my kids prefer white basmati so I normally make that -I don’t eat a lot of it though. I’m so honoured how the Holy Spirit has led me in the most amazing journey about getting to know, trust and love God and Jesus my husband…. ☕️