An Everlasting Love

Hebrews 4:12,13 “For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 13) Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” 

My Dad. I heard your invitation to walk with you, and yes, it’s such an honour for me to do this. You are my all and there’s no other place I’d rather be than to be here, walking with you.

Come my daughter, rest as we walk. You are mine and I delight in you. 

Jesus, I’m a bit overwhelmed when I think about where you’re possibly taking me, but I know that you always equip us for the next thing ahead. 

My daughter come; this road has been a long one. Soon you’ll be able to rest. Trust me with all things. 

Okay. I pray Father for a greater anointing as I continue to do what you’ve called me to do. And help me to continue to walk with you in what lies ahead. 

I am always with you Caroline, when you sense my nearness or not. My love is an everlasting love, and you have passed the test of time. I’m proud of you my daughter. All is well with you. 


Wow, the Lord gave me a download last night. I awoke just after 3:00 and wrote down my dream, thinking God would give me another one before the night was over, which he did. In the first dream I was house-sitting for Wendy Peter with my sister. I was talking on the phone with Wendy and I could see her on a screen at the same time. She was praying in the Spirit -there was something she wanted to show me. As she was praying, I saw coming through the wall across from me a whole arm and hand, which were hers, searching for something in what reminds me of a bedside table with drawers. She had opened one of the drawers and was feeling around with her hand for something. I could see her deep in prophetic prayer and I thought to myself, “wow, prophetic prayer really works!” There was nothing in the drawer except for the one thing she was looking for, which she now held in the palm of her hand and which she gave to me. I held in my hand a small cap, the size that would fit a miniature doll, the cap being smaller than the palm of my hand. In the cap was a number that I began to read aloud to her, for her to know, but she quickly stopped me, saying that theres too many electronic devises around, meaning that people could potentially hear this information that was not for them to know. In the dream I began reading the number to her but stopped when she stopped me, so in waking life I don’t know what the number is. But I’m sensing it was about a five or six digit number. Then I put the cap back into the empty drawer. Then I was in another part of her house, in her living room maybe -I vaguely saw a tall arm-chair. Then I looked at the patio door and saw it had an alarm, and I asked Wendy if she wanted me to put the alarm on, which was when I began to walk forward to do. Wendy was a mentor of mine before my children were born and is now the director for Women on the Frontlines Global. God is so amazing and he fills my heart with wonder… Whatever God will do in my life I already thank him for. 

In the next dream I was in my car in the drivers side and my kids were in the back seat. I vaguely sensed someone in the passenger side and I know this is the Lord because in all my dreams there’s always someone close beside me, which reminds me that I am never alone because Jesus is always near to me. The car was tilting off a high cliff and I told my kids to lean as far back as possible so we wouldn’t fall. I too was leaning as far back into the back seat as much as possible. Then I noticed that there was nothing we could further do because the car was tilting forward and I braced myself for the fall. I noticed the car wasn’t free-falling but was rolling down on its wheels, down the steep slope. Then the scene changed where we had crashed into the building, coming right through the ceiling/side wall of a court room where a court session was taking place. I was standing in front of a lady judge who was sitting at her desk. She looked at me for me to explain myself and I apologized for what had happened. She looked me straight in the eyes and I saw that she was a kind lady who was Just, and who held authority. I saw understanding, love and wisdom. In waking life I’d want to give her a hug! I felt like she was reading my heart like a book. After apologizing and explaining myself, I was free to go and began walking towards the front doors when my dream ended. This is a moment of grace for me; I feel like I was suddenly in front of the throne room of God and it was my time for God to judge me. He saw straight into all the areas of my heart and still looked into my eyes with love and understanding. I feel like God has evaluated my life/my walk with him and has given me his approval, and therefore I can now walk out of that time frame because I passed the test of the time that I’ve been in! I feel like I’ve accomplished something great.. Trial Over!!!!!!!

I had one last quick dream where the atmosphere I was in was a bit dark, and the round pool I saw in front of me was also a bit dark. I saw someone leave the pool and all of a sudden I was the one in it, and I found myself being overcome by the water as I fell back into it. I called out for help. 

I think with having both kinds of dreams, the Lord encourages me alongside difficulty. I know that God is doing something amazing inside my heart as I continually lean into him who is my shield and comfort. I know that I can trust him with my life, and I do.. never letting go! Blessings!