Love’s Pursuit

Joel 2:28 “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. 29)Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.”

My Dad, You are mine. I pray Father for more oxygen. I don’t know specifically what this means in the spirit but in my dream I was low on oxygen and was in a slumber. So I pray that you would breathe new life in me and revive this thirst and passion to follow you deeper into my calling. I want to know you more. 

Come my faithful one, follow me in rest. Love is the greatest weapon no matter what you face or are going through. To be in rest will enable you to love, so come with me deeper into the Fathers heart -here you have everything you need.

Jesus, you are wisdom and wisdom is my friend. I want to know wisdom better, and I know this pursuit is an infinite journey like pursuing your love/your heart, is. I think this is the highest calling and I’ve set my heart on this course. I’ve been reminded about a dream I had a few years ago where I saw someone kneeling in prayer in an open window, not afraid of who may see. It reminds me of Daniel in the Bible. Thinking about this story encourages me this morning.

My faithful daughter come, you are mine and I love you. There is no greater love than to lay down ones life for his friends -you have done this for me, thank-you. 

Oh my Father, how great are you Lord! I’m glad that I have many years ahead of me so that I can continue to lay down my life for you. What an honour this is for me. Thank you for being so near to me. I embrace you all the more. Please forgive me Father for letting my heart get into a slumber mode this week. I don’t agree with it any longer and give you permission to breathe your living breath in me again. Revive my heart Father. Despite how strong the enemy opposes your will in my life, I’m going to rest, completely in love with you as I keep following you. You are my life and joy and I realign my will with yours. Thank you for this new life in me.

You’re welcome my daughter -come, there is much to do. Guard your rest fiercely-it’s more valuable than you know. 

Okay Dad, I believe you. Thank you for your mighty work in my heart today. You are mine and I love you… 


Okay, I know this is besides the point, but I can now recite John 1:1-18 in two breaths! I recite a few scriptures after my time with the Lord every morning and this morning I wondered if I could recite it all in one breath -one day perhaps! 

The Lord gave me a wake-up call through the dream he gave me last night. I’m still going through waves of sadness because of my dad’s death, but I can’t allow myself to stay here because the enemy takes these opportunities to add other things that make me sad, which could overwhelm or bring on depression. 

In my dream last night, my pastor friend Karyn and I were pastors in training. In my dream she had been a pastor in training for about three years already. She said something about being a pastor in training and I said, “well I am too!” My sister was also there, which I believe is God reminding me that I really am a pastor in training and this really is the way I need to go. The reality for me is, I need to push past doubts about myself, because it really isn’t about me anyway, its all about the Lord. In my dream I saw someone at a table with her head resting on her arms on the table, like she was asleep. She had been studying from a certain (blue) computer. She didn’t want to use that computer and had wanted to use a different one. There was a lady there who was helping her and had asked, “why not? -this computer was a really good one.” The lady helping her was trying to convince her to keep using it. I saw that that computer had shut down. The lady helping her was like a nurse and she said that her oxygen level was low, and she was working at a computer to somehow help get her oxygen levels back up. Then I saw a bit of a battle in the darkness of space; There were a few tanks that remind me of missiles. One was coming closer to another one which would result in an explosion. 

Very often the Lord will warn me about things that are about to happen. A few years ago I got a picture of our basement flooding. I wasn’t sure if God showed me this so I could pray that it wouldn’t happen, or to warn me that it would happen so I could prepare for it. I did pray that it wouldn’t happen but I also prepared for it just in case it would still happen, which it did, and I was thankful that I had known beforehand because it gave me time to prepare for it. In this case, I’m not sure if I will yet be in that slumber mode because of a difficulty, or if that had already happened; because of my father’s death I have felt like I was in a slumber mode this week -I haven’t yet started what I sense the Lord wanting me to do in this next step of recording. But I’m aware now, so my battle going forward is to guard my rest so that I can keep on this love’s pursuit.