A Courageous Life

“…to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” -Ephesians 4:23-24


Papa, I love You.

I love you Caroline. You are Mine.

I worship You Lord. Thank-You for being so generous in my life.

Come my daughter.

Papa, do You have a word for me today?

Rest. Keep being at rest, for I am near.

Okay Papa. Help me be brave. I feel silly asking this but I don’t want to just pretend to be brave. I want to genuinely be brave and begin living a courageous life. This is the kind of life You meant for every person to live. 

Caroline My daughter, all things are possible with Me. Come and you will see! 


Hello and welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him. For the past while God has been taking me through a spiritual shower. I believe He’s preparing me for what’s coming up next. He’s purifying my heart so that my heart is clean before Him. It also clears the way for me to hear Holy Spirit better when there’s no mess in the way. I record the times when God says something to me because even in that, there’s meaning. Blessings. 

March 20: 4:13? “How could I ever walk away, from the one who saved my life.” (I don’t remember right now from which song this is, or I’d add more lyrics!)

In my dream I had gotten to the top of a mountain, and as I was going to the top as fast as I could, I saw the long legs of an octopus coming in and out of the ground like it was hiding. I also saw some garbage pieces like this was a garbage dump. I stepped over them, and as I was running at the top of the mountain I saw its small head and stepped over it. As I was running and stepping over its head I saw that it had woken up, and then a very strong wind came and carried me up into the air higher and higher, and the octopus couldn’t reach me anymore! I could feel the wind on my back as I was laying down in it, and I was so full of joy! Then the wind took me down fast and I began looking down to see where I would land, and I landed in the middle of a busy city street, feeling like it was night. It could have been snowing a little I’m not sure. 

In this part of the dream I was with my old employer who had some beauty products on display (make-up), on a shelf a bit higher than me. There was a rectangular glass jar that had some kind of beauty product in it like blush; I saw it was a rose colour, and I clearly saw my name written on it, going up at a slant, and it was written in beautiful black calligraphy. My name was in the middle and I saw some other names written on both sides of mine. I also saw capital letters on the beauty products of people’s first names. The reason for this was so that people would be drawn to them so they’d buy them. Normally in the past when I’ve dreamt about my former boss, it’s been about doing something I wasn’t supposed to do. I’ve dreamt in the past that he invited me to come and work for him again, but I clearly knew not to because I’ve never really enjoyed doing hair. I think this dream could be different though, but I’m not sure. My name and the letter C that I saw on the products gave me a desire to buy the products (which was the goal of my former boss), and make-up reminds me of doing a recording. Am I supposed to do another recording? Two more? About what?

I dreamt that I was in a house that no-one lived in anymore, and I saw my brown purse sitting on the floor (the one I currently have) with another thing that was related to a purse -I don’t remember what it looked like. I had a new purse that I was using. I felt like the brown purse didn’t have much in it anymore, and I wasn’t using it anymore. I didn’t want anyone to take it so I wanted to hide it. I began hiding it in the old skeleton cars frames that were nearby, I began putting it there twice but each time I stopped because I knew there were people hiding among the old car frames and would take it. So I sat down in something, some kind of vehicle and I took a blanket and was going to hide it under a blanket that would be on my lap. 

I dreamt that I was looking at someone I know’s old place in the country where she grew up (not actual). In my dream it felt like we, the youth group, had gone there. It was the west side of the city and could have been in the country on the outskirts of the city. It was summertime and I saw the longer piece of property. 

I invited my other neighbour for coffee and she’s coming next week Thursday. I don’t know if it’s too late or not but I’m going to share my story about when I got saved. I went to the grocery store today and I sensed the Lord wanting me to offer a ride to a woman who was standing close to the door. I’ve seen her walking before and thought she might live on my street. So after putting my groceries in the back seat I walked over to her and offered her a ride home, and she immediately said yes! So we had a nice conversation in the car. Man it feels good to have listened!! I invited my neighbour and her family (across the street) to come and see the Easter play. I’m going to my friends place today, bringing soup! I saw the most amazing sunset yesterday! Many blessings…