A Great Adventure!!

Psalm 13: 5,6

“But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me.” 

Father I love you. I praise and worship you. You’ve blessed my life so richly. You are my Dad who loves giving us good gifts. 

Yes I do:)

Father, what’s on your heart for me today?

You are Mine.

Father, in your words are also the words of freedom; freedom to enjoy writing as I spend time with you. 

I love you with an everlasting love. Come near my daughter and I will help you.

Father, you draw me with loving kindness, and I snuggle myself deep in your embrace.

Caroline I have something for you today.

What is it Father? I’m searching my thoughts for things you might say.

Rest -be anxious for nothing. There are more for you than against you. 

Thank-you Lord, I feel like I’ve gained a bit of ground in this area. Help me not to retreat again. 

I love you Caroline. You will do well where I’m taking you, you’ll see.

Father something about my dream two nights ago makes me think about that. When I didn’t know the leader, I think it shows that I didn’t know yet where you’re leading me to. If this really is where you’re leading me, how I feel about that is that I’m all in, but it just feels like it’s so much bigger than me. I know it is now, and I also know that you’ll grow me up in it as I learn along the way. Wherever you lead, I know that you’ll prepare me for every step that I need to take. Thank-you for your care over me.

My daughter, you’ve come far and you can go further. I know this because I know what you can do. 

Thank-you Lord. I trust you to help me. I’m ready to keep walking with you. 


Well, I have a new appreciation for tea:) What was my coffee mug has now become my tea mug:) In my dream last night I was flying in the sky really high like I’d swim in water, always flying away from the enemy, and I didn’t even give the height a thought -wasn’t afraid of the height in the slightest. In one part of my dream I was flying so high that the enemy couldn’t come after me because it was a height they couldn’t come up to. This morning the attitude or perspective of my heart has changed where it doesn’t bother me what the enemy thinks; if the Lord wants me to take time to prepare for another recording, then thats what I’m going to do. What God wants is far more important that the strategies of the enemy in trying to keep me away from it. I just always feel pressure to leave my desk. I’ve found that during my time with the Lord every morning is when thoughts come pouring into my heart about what to talk about in my recordings, so I could be spending so much time at my desk. So I need to have balance and do other things at the same time so that my house doesn’t fall apart:)

In another part of this dream my sister was with me and I was telling her, pointing to the last book of a series of three, that I wanted to do what they were doing. On the front cover of the book the characters were doing something really adventurous, and I wanted to do the same. What this adventure was about was the way the characters were escaping the enemy as they were doing something important. It was almost like they were in a time capsule shaped in a huge ball, and I vaguely remember that in my dream I had already taken this journey, or the Lord was showing me what this adventure was about so that when I saw the front cover, I already knew what this exciting adventure was all about..🥤 Blessing!!