With All My Heart

Jeremiah 29:11-13, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” 

My Father, I love you and I worship you. You are so completely good all the time. 

Caroline My daughter, you are mine. Come, rest, and follow me into my plans for you.

Caroline, come near and rest. 

I love being near to you Jesus..

Then come nearer My daughter. 

Father awhile back I had a dream that I was sitting on a couch and you Jesus came to sit beside me with a tall cup of coffee, and we were going to get to know each other and build a deep and intimate relationship. How does this look like right now between you and me? Are we sitting together now Jesus? I see the word “yes” in my mind. I also know you’re leading me to rest, to not be anxious. I feel my heart leap with joy to think I can finally sit down with you and rest, and just enjoy being with you. If I’m hearing wrong and it’s not yet time to just rest like this, then I pray that you’d make that clear to me. 

Come my faithful daughter, it is time to rest. I’m making a way where otherwise there would be no way. Come, you heard me correctly. This is the right time. 

Then I pray Father that you will hem us in on all sides because your ways are always right. 

Caroline, I have something for you today. Come and sit with me in my throne room, here I will make known to you what is to come. Follow me into the deep end again where your faith will be tested again. 

Father, did I hear you right? I didn’t think you’d lead me back into the deep end so soon. I was just getting used to thinking I could just rest for a period of time. 

Caroline My daughter, you heard me right but it’s not what you think. Follow Me. Trust me and I will show you how. 

Caroline, I have something for you today. The deepest part is still before us and is yet to come. Will you follow me into this deep end?

Father, as you asked me this, I also sensed this part of the deep end will be different, and I see the word yes in my mind again. Yes Father, I will come back into the deep end with you. Father, because this is the first time I’m sensing this invitation to come back into the deep end while I’m not completely out of the first one, I’m not completely convinced I heard you right because I only hear in part. So my heart is open to hearing more confirmation about that and what this new deep end will look like. If I can be together with you Jesus, then I’ll go anywhere where you want us to go. 

Then come my darling, this invitation is open for you. Trust me as we walk forward together. You are Mine and I love you deeply.

I trust you Father, and I trust you Jesus with all of me. 


Happy Thursday! I had dreamt another dream three nights ago where I was intimately getting to know someone and I got up to look out of the window because I had seen two huge and very black funnels that had reached the ground. As I got up I said we need to go see how the kids are doing and to make sure they’re okay. When I got to the window to take a closer look, at first I saw clear blue skies, but then I looked to the side a bit and saw the blackest of black, smooth, round cloud that seemed to have a face in it, right close to us. I have to keep looking up to Jesus because I can’t do this on my own. I know that every storm that comes, I’ll be alright because Jesus is always, always beside me. I’m so very thankful.