In The Garden

“Praise the Lord. Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who finds great delight in his commands.” Psalm 112:1


I love You Papa

I love you My darling. Rest, all is well with you. You are Mine.

(The song, Clean, came on, by Hillsong United -Taya)

Precious blood has left me forgiven. Pure like the white est of snow. Powerful to make sin and shame retreat. This covenant is making me whole. So I will rise and lift my head. For by His mercy my life was spared. The highest name has set me free. Because of Jesus, my heart is clean. 

Purify my heart in your presence. Teach me to discover the joy. Of holiness that forms as You draw me close. In You what was lost is restored.

So I will rise and lift my head. For by His mercy my life was spared. The highest Name has set me free. Because of Jesus, my heart is clean. Because of Jesus, my heart is clean. 

Come My daughter, all is well with you.


Hello and welcome to my Journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing so I don’t stay in a place of despair is spending time with God and crying out to Him because I know He hears me and He loves me. I’m keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness more times than I can count, and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! 

1:57  In this dream I was wearing black  shorts/tights and a light sweater and I was pulling my shorts down a bit, covering my flaws. Then I was walking with a close friend of mine to a class at church where the pastor was our table leader. He wasn’t going to be there and so we were going to sit by ourselves. The feeling was that we were mature enough, and he needed to be somewhere else. In my dream there was a daycare, and I saw one of the kids wanted to finish eating his food but the daycare worker took it away. In the dream a song was being played that I loved as a kid; I don’t remember very much of it. Something about being on top of the world, and “it’s the only explanation I can find.”  As we were walking I saw lockers open in front of me and there was a kid doing something by his locker. It looked a bit dark there and a bit messy. I turned to walk around it, squeezing myself between a column and the locker, moving the locker back a bit. I vaguely sensed I was following someone. I had a vague thought that maybe someone didn’t trust me with being around their kid because they didn’t know me, so that’s why I walked around it instead of to it. 

Someone had newly rented a room to sell their stuff. They didn’t have a lot to sell, but my friend and I were standing in the room and we were going to look at the stuff she was selling. There were only a few things there and it looked a bit cluttered.

2:17 two girls walking towards me and something about ice cream sandwiches

2:31 Papa, please forgive me.. (I woke up and wept as I talked with the Lord)

I forgive you my daughter. Come.

2:34 My daughter, rest, all is well with you. You are Mine and I love you.

2:38 Come, I love you.

2:40 Rest, you are Mine, always.

2:41 Rest, I am near to you. 

2:42 Blessed assurance Jesus is mine… (I heard in my heart)

2:44 “I need you every hour…”

2:46 Papa, I’m so desperate for You!

2:47 My faithful one, don’t worry. Rest assured, you are Mine.

“I give it all, my heart and soul. Jesus I’m living for you.”

2:50 Rest

2:55 Come My daughter. Sit with me at my table. You are Mine.

2:56 Papa, I feel like I don’t deserve to sit with You.


Yes Papa, I’m coming.

3;08 I had just come (feeling like I just came back) into the library and a slender woman with a long office skirt was walking towards me and was coming to help me.

3:16 I dreamt that a white truck came, parked and someone came and had a big smile on his face and said something like, cool, like we had just agreed about something. 

3:25 Seeing yellow

3:26 Restored. Unashamed of the gospel. (I heard in my heart)

3:30 Papa, I’m so inspired to listen to podcasts and reading, thank you, I feel like I got my life back…

3:32/33 “I’ve been inspired to do my best, now that I’m walking with the Lord, I can stand the test.” (Song I used to sing with a choir)

3:35 My darling, I will always love you.

3:40 In this dream I was looking at a long beautiful rock (about a foot in length and about 4 or 5 inches tall), soft rose colour, at a store, and a woman was showing this to me. It was on display on a table. I vaguely saw there were other beautiful rocks in her store. 

3:47  “Now it’s a date!” (I heard in my heart before waking up)

3:51 In this dream Jesus had run up the stairs excited, and looked around.

4:13 In the garden… (I heard in my heart before waking up) 

Thoughts: Sensing that the dream I had last week where I was quickly going up the stairs and I saw the deep crevice through the steps/boards underneath, could represent what I went through yesterday and that I just made it to safety, though I’m not sure. 

I took a nap this afternoon (because I didn’t have a lot of sleep last night). As I’m pressing into the Lord after my nap I remembered that I had a dream that someone was back from holidays and he was sitting with people at the Sidewalk Cafe, talking, and it was a sunny day. 

3:13 My daughter, arise, I have called you blessed. 

3:16 Papa, there is nothing in life that matters more than You. 

3:18 Arise, you are Mine

3:22 Come, follow Me.

I’m here Papa, I’m following You, walking right beside You. Nothing can take me away from my devotion to You. 

3:25 Take my life and let it be, a Holy offering. I’m ready to learn more about You. I’m ready for You to equip me for doing battle for the souls of other people. Give me Your heart of love and compassion for others. I will never be satisfied if I’m not doing Your work, the work You’ve called me to do. 

3:31 My darling, come, you are Mine. 

3:32 Time (It’s time)

3:33 .. for my glory to be revealed.

3:35 Papa, let Your glory be revealed. Use me for Your glory Papa. I long to be used for Your glory Papa. You are my purpose. You are my life. I run to You. I want to share You with others; I can’t keep what You’ve done in my life all to myself -I crave to share it with others. Please open the door for us to walk in sharing what You have done. Papa You said it’s time, so I declare that You have said it’s time. It’s time! It’s time people!! Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 

3:44 I love you My darling. I am well pleased with you; you are Mine this day.

3:46 I praise and worship You Papa. Let Your glory be known to the ends of the earth. You are mine forever!! 

Today at Shopgym was the first time that I finished first! Our workout was AMRAP of rowing and running. So fun! This morning I made muffins (banana) pancakes and sausages, strawberry and blueberry sauce with whipping cream and Maple syrup. love and blessings…