
Habakkuk 2:3

“For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.” 

My Father,

My daughter come, you are Mine -I love you. Carolyn, I have a word for you today.

Thank-you Lord, please tell me.

Rest -trust me and be anxious for nothing.

Father, I’m feeling anxious about presenting again -I need your help..

I will help you my daughter. Come, you are Mine.

Father, I hear the lyrics, “I’d climb every mountain, swim every ocean…” I love you Jesus..


Good morning… I opened my window a bit so I can hear the birds; it’s such a peaceful sound, and the sun is shining -it’s going to be a good day:) This photo was from last week; this morning I had another good workout! The box-overs were nasty -hopefully my knees won’t be too bruised. Last night a had what I sensed a really important dream about eating with Jesus my husband, but that’s all I remember about it.. Then I dreamt that I had a bird’s eye view of a really high cliff. I sensed there was a woman walking around on the cliff further away from the edge. As I watched I saw some kind of vehicle back up right to the edge. I’m sensing they didn’t realize how close they were. This vehicle opened up both of its ‘wings’ and I saw a light blue light running along behind the wings. It was like the wings had been together, pointing towards the front and they began to spread apart, completely opening up into a straight line like the wings of an airplane. The feeling I had in my dream about the light is that it indicated that the vehicle was very close to the edge, and when the wings were opened up, the weight of the wings caused the whole vehicle to tip over the edge. The vehicle was more like a small carrier thing that looked like the front of an airplane. Then the scene changed where I was standing on the ground, watching someone notice and look up to see this vehicle come slowly down the cliff. The woman that had been walking on the cliff was now sitting inside the vehicle and the two wings were now two really big balloons that were attached to the vehicle by cables or ropes, and it was slowly lowering the vehicle down to the ground… I believe this dream represents that one of these wings is mine and the other is Jesus’ wing -we needed both; I’ve been doing my part in following Jesus’ lead with doing my recordings, sensing the Holy Spirit and being led by him. The most important thing about this is that during this wing-building season, what helped us to know how to build these wings was through the Holy Spirit. As I was pursuing God and Jesus, he was pursuing me, and the most passionate love relationship has been growing because I didn’t quit pursuing him and I never will, and I know Jesus will never quit pursuing me.. I believe going backwards towards the edge of the cliff and falling over represents that I’m completely trust-falling, knowing that Jesus will catch me and will be waiting for me at the bottom. The wings came just in time, and now I need to do one more presentation!!! 

Then right before I woke up I dreamt that I was in waist-deep clear water, and I was looking down, looking at the light sand through the water. I saw something that caught my eye and picked it up. I saw that it was a big ring with a really big smooth blue rock. The ring reminds me of a mood ring where the colour changes, depending on the mood of the person wearing it. I hadn’t put it on but was just holding it when I saw the colour change into something else, I think a light yellow, and there was now a black line in the middle of the rock, and this black line turned into two black lines that crossed each other like a + sign. It reminded me of a cat’s eye and felt like it had become evil, so I quickly threw it back into the water away from me. I believe that looking through the water while standing in the water represents that I’ve been standing in the Holy Spirit and seeing with his help. I had a trust and hope in the beginning and I’m holding on as long as I can; I’ve never gone out of the water that represents the Holy Spirit but have continued to stand in it because that’s what God has asked me to do. In this time God has been working in my heart and has led me into knowing what his love is. God has been my sustainer and my help. Changing the subject, yesterday I was offloading the dishwasher and as I was putting the two razor parts of the Ninja together, I had my right pointer finger on the blade as I was pressing down, and it pierced my skin quite deep:(

Changing the subject again, yesterday I experienced something I had not experienced in many years. I used to get panic-attacks and I would get so embarrassed and my face would turn red. Then I began taking anti-depressants and the problem was solved; it basically numbed my feelings which really didn’t problem solve internally with how I was feeling at the root. Then after going through inner healing at my church where I was able to release many heart-level things to God, I went off antidepressants and I hadn’t felt embarrassed like that since, until yesterday at church during the service! I had been thinking about presenting again and I could feel myself, not just my face but my whole self getting really hot and I knew what was coming, that my face would turn red and it did, and all those feelings from a long time ago came back. I’m sharing this because I want to expose what the devil does to try and keep people secluded from others. The Holy Spirit has led me so far in our journey together; I will never stop pursuing Him.. God has done so much in my heart and in my life that I will never keep quiet about it. I know that I am loved and desired and like my dream showed, I’m completely trust falling into him…