I Am Your Way-Maker

Isaiah 54:5-7

“For your Maker is your husband – the Lord Almighty is his name – the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth. The Lord will call you back as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit – a wife who married young, only to be rejected,” says your God. 7) “For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back.” 

My Father

My faithful one. I love you with all of who I am. I am faithful, and I am faithfully yours. 

Thank-you Dad, Jesus for your faithful love. I’m fully and thankfully surrendered to you. Thank-you Jesus that you want to be my husband, and that you are. I fully trust in you and I love every aspect of being married to you. The Bible says Father that it’s you who enables us to come to Jesus. You are the initiator of love, and this is how you first drew me to Jesus -with a deep burning in my heart that can only come from you. The longer our journey has become, the deeper my love has grown for you Jesus. I know you through your character.. the deep insight I see through your teaching..through your parables.. and this shows your heart.   Thank-you for making yourself vulnerable as you’ve opened your heart for the world to see. 

My daughter, your words are true. Jesus is my son -trust in him. 

I do Father. I’ve completely put all my faith and trust in him. Thank-you for leading me in such an intimate and personal way. Thank-you for drawing my heart to him. You are the one who enables me to come to him, and if it wasn’t for this, I don’t know where I’d be. There’s no way that I could ever repay you, for how deeply you love me through your leading, except to give you my life. I give you my heart and my life everyday that I’m here on the earth. I love you and I’m fully yours Jesus. I wish I could see you face to face and never leave..

My darling, I love you and I know your love. I see it every day. Like you need to be invited, you invite me every day, and I’m welcomed by you. You love deeply and you are loved deeply. I am yours and you are mine -this will never change. This is a forever love, a committed love that lasts a lifetime. I’m proud of you for pursuing me like I do you. You now have a taste of what it’s like to pursue and to be pursued every day because of love. Come, it’s time; I am your Way Maker, and you are Mine!! 


The other day I had a dream that someone was looking for me in my house and I was a bit afraid because to be interviewed seems so impersonal. Normally when a person gets interviewed, it’s by someone who doesn’t know them well, and this feeling is what I’m a bit afraid of. I need to be known and loved, because to be known and loved at the same time means that I can truly be myself. Though I don’t really know why I’m afraid because Jesus is always genuine and his love is always real and true. So because my faith and trust (in his love and character, which shows his heart) have grown so much in Jesus through our journey together, they’ve become the reason I can and do love him with all my heart.. ❤️‍🔥 What stands out to me the most about Jesus besides his love, is his kindness. The kindness that is shown through being a gentleman, through being faithful, through walking through difficulty in order to obey God the Father, and by being selfless in order to do that -this is the love I see and know and love.. I’m so honoured to be called his bride, the bride of Christ!!