Middle of the Storm

Psalm 84: 10-12

“Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favour and honour; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless. O Lord Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.” 


I woke up at 5:44, before my alarm with the words; indigenous, savoury, sage (essential oils?). I had seen or I had been made known the word “wrinkles” before I woke up and then I heard those three words in my heart as I was waking up, which was like a remedy for it. What is the Lord saying now? I don’t have a lot of wrinkles, only one on my chin which is like a crevasse! I had tried getting rid of the cyst close to it with oregano essential oil and I think it only deepened the line on my chin and did nothing else:( So now I have a crevasse on my face!

In this dream I got last night, I was sitting on a ledge inside a building that reminds me of a hospital. In front of me was something like a clear plexiglass that divided those that wanted to be seen by a doctor and those who worked there at the office taking phone calls and making appointments. On the side where I was there was a crowd waiting to get in who were all right at the front, hoping to be seen next, and the lady calling people was calling those who actually had an appointment first. I saw people being called one at a time and I saw them go in. Then after she had called the last person who had an appointment, the rest of us were all hoping she’d call us first. She was directly in front of me so I was waiting for her to call me in as she looked to the side. Then the scene changed were I was being seen: I was laying prostrate, holding onto a bar that was on a ledge. There was nothing beneath me and if I were to let go I’d fall many stories down. There were two doctors, one was older like a comforting wise grandpa; while he was talking I felt like he was speaking comforting words as he was writing something down, and the other one I could see; he was facing me, watching me, and silently coaching and encouraging me, but he wasn’t physically helping me as I was trying to get over the bar. I was still laying prostrate and I saw my legs as I was making my final attempt to pull myself up and role over the bar, which I succeeded at doing. I was so deeply thankful that I had made it! 

In this dream I was talking to a lady and I picked up a new Christmas magazine which was close by, which turned into a Christmas advent calendar. She asked if there was a chocolate for every month, like in a Christmas advent calendar where there’s one chocolate per day. In this one I saw that there was one bigger chocolate per month. The page that I saw, each chocolate was in the shape of a vehicle. I saw busses most and saw a brown chocolate bus. The vehicles were all in one page but had the label of a different month on each one. When I turned the page I saw a row of what reminds me of thick crayons that children use to colour -chocolate too I think. Each page was like a clear plastic page which turned out to be a big book but only had three pages I think. I’m not going to record this week; I just don’t have anything ready. But I’m thinking that the Lord is saying for me to record once per month, though this could come later. Blessings…