My walk with Jesus

Psalm 40:1-3

“I waited patiently for the Lord and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.”

My Father, I love you so much! I praise you Father and I worship you. 

Come my faithful one-you are Mine; I love you.

Father, do you have a word for me?

Yes my daughter, rest, the time is near and I am near to you. I have spoken.

I’m so honoured Lord that you are near to me. Is there a question I need to ask you Father? If there is I pray that you’d help me to know it as we walk together. 

Caroline, ask.

Father, can I walk through the door.. Can you open the door for me and allow me to walk through it so I can begin walking in what you have promised? Can the transition take place this month? Can you help me come to the place in my heart that would show you I’m ready? How long do I need to keep doing things that prepares my heart for the next pocket of time? 

Caroline my daughter, don’t give up, for in due time you will reap a harvest if you do not give up. 

Father, thinking about others and loving them the way I love myself, I want for them what you’re doing in my life. So if it takes more time to accomplish what you want to accomplish in me, in this most amazing walk with Jesus, then I release any hold I’m trying to have in order for this time period to go more quickly. I’m putting others, your other sons and daughters and also those who don’t know you yet, before my own personal desire. My purpose is to follow you because of my deep love for you. So this is a way that I can show you that I love you first. Please fill this cup that I share with you Jesus right to the top, so that in the long term there will be more to enjoy together. You’re will Father and not mine. 

I love you my faithful daughter. You have passed this test of time and endurance. Your heart is in right standing with me; you’ve positioned your heart correctly. Come and sit with me at my table and we will eat together. You are mine this day. It’s time to celebrate! 

Thank-you Father, I love you!!! 


I woke up at 2:50 with the words, “Time to come in to top.” Another sentence in the night was, “Send my privacy into heaven.” Then I woke up at 5:55 and I had had a quick dream where I had been walking in about a foot of snow when all of a sudden the snow stopped; there was a distinct line from one-foot-high white fresh snow and then flat darker ground that could have been pavement, and in my dream I stepped onto the flat ground that had absolutely no snow on it with my right foot from a moving position. Then I fell asleep a little and immediately had a dream where there was a fire in a small fire-pit and a small black round table with thin black legs that came up past my knee that was put directly onto the fire, so that it stood directly in the fire. I had a sense it was night. Then at 6:22 when I awoke again I had these words in my mind, “Then we stepped onto Waverly.” I had a sense of driving on Waverly. Then I fell asleep again and at 6:25 I woke up with the words, “You are never wrong with two sets.”
Before I woke up at 6:22 I had had a quick dream and saw an opened Bible very close to my face that was laying on a table. I saw the small words of the Bible, and I faintly saw a hand writing a few words with a pen, writing horizontally across the words of the Bible; what was more clear was the cursive handwriting. I didn’t recognize the words that were written but I saw the beginning of the sentence, and the words were largely written. I remember though that the first letter that was written was rounded like a capital C, but I can’t say for certain that it was a C. If the Bible is opened in front of us, seeing the two sides, the writing started close to the edge of the left side in the middle of the page, and I didn’t see how far across the writing went. The handwriting was beautiful and the whole picture had a Holy and authoritative feeling.

Then I had another quick dream where I was breaking the skin off of a fruit that reminds me of a plum, like it had been blanched. Then I slightly fell asleep again and faintly remembered the words, “painting too.” Wow! I know the Lord is speaking and I also know that I don’t know the significance of it. But what I do know is that in time the Lord will show me. I’m so deeply honoured by Him that he would use me to bring glory and honour to his name by drawing me and others closer to himself.

Changing the subject, yesterday I got myself converse runners.. are they called runners? I never know these days:) Normally I wear 9.5 but in Converse, size 9 fits better, though the ones I bought are a bit tight; they don’t make bigger sizes for the style I bought.  There are another pair that I’m thinking to get.. ones that have white on them. Also, I finally found a doctor! I’m on the waiting list for a doctor who’s name is Goldberg:) She’ll be starting her practice in the summer. I’m also needing new glasses so I’m going in for an eye exam this coming week, on Waverly. Growing up here in town I remember walking to the back of the bank on main street to take a family photo. I have memories linked to it about my dad and so I decided to open an account there. Today was a really difficult day.. one that would normally have gotten me to slide deeper into myself for hibernation, but I’m remembering my walk with Jesus and what the Lord has already spoken to me about, about my future, so I’m taking comfort in these things.

I just wanted to say that in one of my previous dreams, I had dreamt of sliding down a soft narrow slide that had short hair clippings. The hair was straight, not having a bend in them so I knew that the person who’s hair I had cut, had very straight hair. I’m not sure yet what this means… wondering if I need to get an even shorter haircut.. if God wants me to, then I’ll do it..😭I do have a haircut appointment on Feb.13th. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the weekend -blessings…