Invited and Ready!

Psalm 104:1-4

“Praise the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendor and majesty. He raps himself in light as with a garment; he stretches out the heavens like a tent and lays the beams of his upper chambers on their waters. He makes the clouds his chariot and rides on the wings of the wind. He makes winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants.”

Father I feel like I’ve been invited to be with you this morning -thank-you; there’s no other place I’d rather be than to be with you where-ever you go; I love you…

My daughter come, sit here at my table with me -you have been invited. I love you.


My darling, rest, come and follow me, for I have a great work planned for you. Are you ready Caroline?

Yes Lord, I’m ready. Any place where you lead I know is the best place to be not only because You’ll always be with me in these places, but also because there’s a purpose for it. There’s a purpose for it that will cause me to grow as a person and also in relationship with you, and it’s your way to pour into the lives of others and build relationship and community with those you bring me into contact with. Father, I’m sensing something that’s become a hope in me. I pray that if I’m right in what I’m sensing, that you’d open the doors wide open for me to walk through -I’d be honoured to do it. 

Caroline My faithful daughter, come, it’s yours.

Okay Dad, if I’m hearing correctly, then I pray that you’d make it happen. I fully trust in you.

I love you Caroline -you are Mine. 


I don’t have a lot to say today.. Last night I only slept about an hour before I woke up because of my throat; it wasn’t a consistent cough, but every time I would almost fall asleep, my throat would tingle and I needed to cough. So I couldn’t sleep for most of the night and I was planning to go to shopgym at six, which I ended up canceling. But what I was thinking about during that time was about some of the dreams the Lord had given me. I just have a sense that the Lord’s leading me deeper into the ministry, and I’d be so honoured to be there! I’m bringing my mom to an appointment in the city late afternoon today, just on the outskirts of the city. I feel like I stuffed myself yesterday at church! I managed to get three packages of Dad’s cookies which I had hoped weren’t all gone from two Sunday’s ago when we couldn’t be there, and of course I had to have their mini cinnamon rolls:) I bought a cappuccino with vanilla syrup for myself, a caramel macchiato for Lucas and a hot chocolate for Bella -so so so good! Lately I’ve been allowing myself more of the foods I enjoy, but I’m telling you that I really need to be at the gym! Yesterday after church my kiddos and I went to Canadian tire to refill our water-jugs, and we got some new Christmas tree ornaments -silver and gold. We’ve had the same ornaments for too many years so this year was time for a change! Blessings!