God’s Love

Ephesians 3:19

“…and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” 


Papa my heart is overwhelmed by Your love for me! I love You so very much! I worship You with all of my heart, with all of who I am.

I love you Caroline.

Papa, thank-you for reviving my heart this morning. 

I love you My daughter.

Papa, every time I think about Your love, I end up crying.

Come My faithful one, you are Mine. Rest, all is well with you. 


Hello and welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him!

November 7: I’m feeling so much better today.. Okay, this is me trying to explain weird images in a movie:) A few days ago we watched the latest episode of Loki. In this episode when parts of the timeline collapses and worlds begin to cease and disappear, stringy stuff that look like vines come and takes over. I dreamt about that last night; I woke up at 12:59 last night and had a dream that the stringy stuff was coming after me, feeling like it got me. But this is a good thing because I believe that this represents that my flesh (carnal flesh, my own way of thinking of how to live my life) is dying. Yay, finally! Then before I woke up in the morning, I didn’t hear the words but I had a knowing, or the name, “Gandolph the White” was on my mind. I believe that my former way of thinking about living my life has died, and God is raising me up to walk in and live in His purpose for me! This morning when I was reading Rick Joyner’s word of the week, I began crying and sobbing and sobbing and was overwhelmed by God’s love for me. I feel like God has filled my heart in a new way, and that my heart has finally been able to receive His love for me. I chose the verse above because it was in my Bible writing time today.

The other day I dreamt about seeing a wide screen that was keeping the bugs and mosquitos out; I don’t know if this is important or not and I’m hoping I’m remembering this correctly, but I think the screen was dark brown. It was a darker colour but I know it wasn’t black. And I saw through the windows that were on top of the screen that it was windy outside, which was helping to keep the mosquitos away. Bella went to school today and will be joining her team for the second last volleyball game. It was raining before and now it’s snowing… kind of makes me nervous about being on the road. I don’t think I’ll be coming to the leaders meeting because of the game, thinking it’ll be too rushed. That’s all for for now. Many blessings!!

November 8: Hey everyone.. I don’t have a lot to talk about today, but I did receive a few short dreams from the Lord so here we go. I woke up some time after two and had dreamt that I was in my car and my kids had just gone out of the car for something and were standing not too far away. Then I looked out of the front window and saw the most beautiful vibrant rainbow I’ve ever seen. Every colour in it was so vibrant. The most fascinating thing about this rainbow was that it was a whole circle; the top half and the bottom half together, and there was bright yellow right in the middle of it. I don’t know if it was the sun, but it was equally as bright and vibrant as the other colours. As soon as I saw it I began calling out to my kids to look at the sky to see this great wonder.

Then I woke up at 5:00 and had vaguely dreamed about many different railway tracks all joined together. Then in the morning when I woke up I had dreamt that I had a knowing that there were many people who were linked together in prayer like the train tracks that were all joined together. What I saw was Jesus my husband kneeling (because I was sitting), putting both his hands together on me in prayer with his head bowed, and said, “Thank-you Carolyn.” (He wasn’t praying to me, he was thanking me before beginning to pray.) Then together as one big group they began praying. I think all the other people also had put their hands together, putting their hands on someone close to them and began praying.

I can hardly believe how difficult this task is what I need to do. I feel like there’s an invisible thing that’s blocking me from being able to walk forward. But I’m still determined to work on it today, tomorrow and everyday until it’s done. The dream where I was laughing really hard with someone in my dream actually happened with Bella a few days ago; I had never laughed so uncontrollably with Bella before, and it was so great!! I don’t remember when the last time was that I laughed like that. Anyway, many blessings to you…

November 9: Yesterday I felt something settle in my heart as I watched my daughter’s group sing. I’m trying to pinpoint what that was and I think it has to do with trusting and accepting a spiritual covering. I’m not saying this lightly because I’ve made that mistake before, except this time I know it’s not a mistake… 

November 11: The other day I had a quick dream where I was sliding down a spiral stairway very quickly, holding onto the banister from the outside of it. When I dreamt it I didn’t understand why I would dream this, but now I have a better understanding; because of what was talked about. I’ll be okey, just missing Jesus.. Today has been a day of cleaning, and I didn’t spend time with God in the morning so I’m missing heart to heart. I’ll be ready to go back to shopgym on Monday, and I’m volunteering at the World Cafe tomorrow, looking forward to it!! Blessings..