
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” -James 1:2-4

Hello and welcome to my Journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing so I don’t stay in a place of despair is spending time with God and crying out to Him because I know He hears me and He loves me. I’m keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness more times than I can count, and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! 


3:05. I woke up and had a dream. There were bigger stepping stones and an excited group of teenagers were running and stepping on them, taking big steps as they were crossing them. I believe this represents that I’ve begun taking bigger steps of faith in our journey with God…

“Your love runs wild for me…”

5:25 “Still a strong tower, still a strong tower. Oh, someone let the people know, anything is possible!”

7:34 “Lift me up, Hold me down. Keep me close, Safe and Sound…”

7:35 “I love You Papa/Jesus…”

7:42 “Come My darling, it’s time.”

7:43/44 “Yes Papa, I want to come. Please help me come. Open my eyes to see everything You want me to do in every day of the week. When You show me something in a dream, help me to identify it and know that that is what You want me to do.”

7:46 “I will show you, my daughter.”

“Papa, please enable me to do these things.”

7:47 “I will enable you My love.”

7:53 “Hope” I love You Papa/Jesus… 

7:54 “I love you My darling.”

7:55 “Time”

“Yes Papa, I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming…”


Yesterday while in the kitchen, after someone left, I wished I could follow so that I could do what the Lord asked me to do. Then a few moments later I became determined to follow and see if there would be an opportunity to open my mouth, which I believe represents being open to Jesus and speaking. When I got to the door they were already walking out but I followed behind the person Jesus is leading me to follow. Then Bella and I sat down on the comfy chairs and I became even more determined to be ready when they would come back. So right before 6:00 I went to “the bathroom” and waited between the two bathroom doors. After a little while my friend came so quietly that I didn’t notice, and it became a bit awkward that I was just standing there, reading my book. I didn’t explain because I didn’t know what to say, so later I just left it unexplained. Maybe later I can just say that I was having a personal moment with God, which is true. So then I walked back to my chair. Then I was still determined to walk there when I saw that they would come back, but then someone else came and sat in a chair by a table nearby, so I was worried that he would ruin my plan. As I was still waiting, looking up almost constantly, not wanting to miss another opportunity, I became immersed in my book and read exactly about what I was planning to do! On page 145 it talks about being proactive and not waiting for circumstances or for other people to create experiences, but that I can create my own. And as I was reading about this, I looked up and saw the person Jesus is leading me to follow, walk into the long hallway and out of my opportunity!! So I began praying that God would make it known to this person that they need to walk back there so I’d have another opportunity, which is what He did! About 45min or so later I saw this person walk back there and I immediately got up and waited in the middle of that area, reading my book as I sat on the bench. I had planned to ask this person a question to keep them talking so I could open my mouth. I asked my Papa God to help me be brave and I visualized the end, having succeeded and being victorious. So when this person came walking around the corner, I took a deep breath and asked them the question! Oh my, I’m just realizing that I had dreamt about this person asking me a question! Okay so this is why it’s so good to journal! So I asked this person the question and began opening my mouth, but then this person asked me to be more specific and I didn’t know what to say, which I think was when this person began talking about the subject. Then I opened my mouth until this person was done talking, and this person asked if that helped, and I smiled and said yes, and that I just wanted to have clarification. Then I thanked this person and it was done! Yay!!! Victory!!!

I wish with all my heart that I could be part of the team this summer and grow in leadership and in speaking. Maybe when I help to clean up the board games it’ll represent a willingness and an open door this summer if that will be planned. Today will be busy getting ready for Bella’s birthday party.. it’ll be a lot of fun:) Thinking to get two pizzas from Costco and warm them up in the oven, but yesterday when I wanted to bake potato wedges, I opened the oven door and a lot of smoke came out and I saw flames coming out from underneath the metal pan/floor of the oven at the bottom. So I quickly turned it off and used the Air-fryer instead, which worked so well! So if we decide to buy the pizzas from Costco, which is a lot cheaper than getting it from other places, then I’ll need to heat them up at our neighbours beside us on the right. I think though that we’ll get them locally so they’ll be fresh. I’m on page 157 of my Leaders book. All right, I hope you’ll have a wonderful day today!!! I’m looking forward for church tomorrow!!! I love you Jesus and I thank you for your love… Blessings…. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

The girls are having a blast! She invited 7friends:) Earlier this morning I began feeling the back of my tongue by my throat; every time I drink water it really hurts, and it’s gotten worse since then. I’ve never experienced this before. I’m still feeling my sinuses sometimes in the back of my nose, but I have a spray for that from the doctor. I’m going to cook ginger and have that as a tea. A dream I had last week that I’ve forgotten to write; I was passing an airplane that was made to have fun, inside a building, but this airplane didn’t have wings. It kind of felt like a movie set. There were two people in it I think, and they were having fun in it. I was passing it, coming from the front. I don’t know if this is important but it was on my left side. A few major things have happened since then (I could have dreamt this while at camp , or it was before then.) I ordered pizza from Dominoes:) I added lemon with my ginger and it burns so much when I drink it! I’m also using essential oils. Tomorrow we’re bbqing at home after church. I’m thankful; I feel loved and cared for, thank You Jesus… Blessings….❤️‍🔥

May 12: 12:52 “Your love runs wild for me, wild for me your love runs wild for me. You gave it all for me, all for me your love runs wild for me.”

I vaguely dreamt of seeing slim overalls, and saw them go up like the credits after a movie. 

I think I dreamt of seeing yellow and red, but I could be wrong. 

1:36 All the doors of the church were locked. I was inside the building and I vaguely saw Bruce walking in the empty foyer, making sure everything was taken care of. 

2:11 “Your love runs wild for me, wild for me your love runs wild for me.”

2:37 “Your love runs wild for me, wild for me your love runs wild for me.”

5:05 “Your love is wild for me, wild for me your love runs wild for me.” 

5:20 “…thoughts of mercy and love, you make all things new…”

5:42 “I’m right here under His wing.”

5:44 “Mom!!!”

5:48 “We will worship You. So I throw up my hands, and praise You again and again, singing hallelujah , hallelujah and I know it’s not much, but I’ve nothing else fit for a King, except for a heart singing hallelujah, hallelujah…”

6:56/57 While praying I remembered feeling very close to Jesus during the night…

7:15 “My darling, it’s time to rise up.”

7:16/17 Yes Papa, I submit my life/my heart to You. I want what All You want for my life…

Then come My faithful one, it’s time. 

7:26 “The sun comes up, it’s a new day dawning. It’s time to sing Your song again. Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me, I will be singing till the evening comes. Bless the Lord oh my soul, oh my soul. I worship Your Holy Name. Sing like never before, oh my soul, I worship your Holy Name. 

You’re rich in love and Your slow to anger. Your name is great and Your heart is kind. For all your goodness I will keep on singing, ten thousand reasons for my heart to find. Bless the Lord oh my soul, oh my soul. I worship Your Holy Name. Sing like never before, oh my soul, I worship your Holy Name. 

And on that day when my strength is failing, the end draws near and my time has come. Still my soul will sing Your praise unending, ten thousand years and then forevermore. Bless the Lord oh my soul, oh my soul, I worship Your Holy Name. Sing like never before, oh my soul, I worship Your Holy Name.” (10,000 Reasons -Matt Redman) In the lyrics the “oh” was written like “O.” Am I done doing the “O?” I woke up this morning and looked outside and saw the most beautiful sunrise… a nice soft pink. Then some minutes later I saw the sun and it was a deep bright orange. I took some photos but the photos don’t do it justice. It’s 7:46 and Im going to go upstairs and make 3 eggs and Brussels sprouts for breakfast -I’m starving!!! Hoping you’ll have a wonderful Mothers Day…🪻🌸🪻🌺🌷 I got it! I should have raised my hand two times today like I did on Friday. It doesn’t matter what is said for the reason to lift our hand; the point is just to raise my hand. This sure humbles me! Next time!! I’m going to be alert all Wed and Friday nights and also Sunday.. Have a wonderful day… Mon: I’m going to post yet.. I’m taking Bella to get her braces off for 3:00! Something amazing happened yesterday with the Holy Spirit!!! ❤️‍🔥