
Caroline, I have something for you today. It’s time to rest. Take a break.

Father, I don’t know what you mean exactly. I’m afraid to stop my recordings, thinking I’m following my own way. 

My daughter, “cut back.”

Dad. When I sensed you saying this, I’m thinking now about my dream. I’m sensing to stop, that this “right place” I’ve been in is now full -not open to more. I was planning to keep going with my recordings but now I’m in indecision. What do I do now?


Father, because I don’t want to be led by what I really want to hear, that I can actually stop and rest, I’m going to rely on what I sense over the next few days. Please speak to me and confirm with me through others to make it clear to me to keep going or not. I’m putting my trust in you in this way. Thank-you that on our walk, you keep requiring me to quiet my inner worries in order to hear you better. I love you and I thank-you for your faithfulness. 

Come my dear one, I will guide you in the way you should go. You are mine and I love you. 


Eek…I know I’m in a transition right now but I’ve never been as worried about going the wrong way like I am at the moment. I know though from past experience that even if I make a wrong turn, the Lord will make it known to me to go back to where I made a wrong turn and go the right way. 

I’ve not been running and working out lately but I’m sensing the Lords patient invitation to begin again. Its difficult when I don’t have the mindset of becoming disciplined in it, because in order to become disciplined in it, I need to be doing it every day. So, I’m just going to do it if I feel like doing it or not so that I’ll become disciplined in it, and then it won’t be such a struggle.

In this dream my sister, who represents “the right way to go,” and I were staying at this place, like an apartment that was also open to the public. We were both staying in one big room, and we each had a couch that were in opposite sides of the room from each other and where we had our sleeping bag or blanket. I told the manager of the apartment that someone had come, and the manager was happy to meet her, but told me that the apartment was already full. The person who had come represents “the wrong way to go.” So I showed her where we were staying and led her to my sister’s coach and told her she could sleep there, but just to make the bed/couch and sleep on top of the blankets. I thought in my dream that this person would do a good job being the manager of this apartment. What I’m getting from this dream is that what I had already decided to do, to keep on recording, is wrong; I had allowed the “wrong way to go” to sleep on the couch that belonged to the person who represents the right way to go, and was agreeing with it that she would do a good job leading (In waking life I don’t want to allow “the wrong way to go” to coach me). Our apartment was already full but I had allowed this person in anyway -bad bad bad!

Another dream where I was holding a skin-coloured, pliable object in the palm of my hand, which was about that size too, maybe a bit bigger, and there was someone near me that I didn’t see but that was instructing me to cut back some of it, all the way around in order to make it fit into something (which I didn’t see). Then I needed to cut apart the different parts of what I’m sensing was a brain. I needed to cut the different parts apart with something like a dewalt  Olfa knife, making a sharp, clean, precise cut. The different parts were different colors and there were about five different parts. The lady who was instructing me was going to help me but went somewhere because she needed to do something. I needed to cook these parts in water but was a bit nervous doing it myself because I wasn’t sure if I was going to do it right. I have no idea what this dream represents. I know that the Lord will show me in another way if I’m not getting it because he is faithful:) I edited my reflection in the post, My Rock. Sometimes I think some details aren’t very important to write, but then later I think they’re really important because I see how one can help in having a better understanding about another. Blessings.