A Meaningful Life

My Father

My darling. I love you -you are mine.

I dreamt last night that a huge, many stories high wave was coming up over me, and I braced myself for the impact. I’m not sure what this wave represents, but help me focus on what you want me to do with my recordings…I need to start walking in this more regularly.

My daughter, there’s truth in what you’ve said, and I bless you in it. 

Father, you also gave me your oath last night in regards to my journey with you. I believe you did this for reassurance. Even though there’s a deep pain in my heart, my hope remains steadfast in you. 

Caroline, you are mine and I love you. I will bless the work of your hands. You can do all things with my strength. 

Okay Dad, as I lean into you, you give me the strength I need to keep going. Thank-you for your way with me. May my love for you deepen through the trials of my life. I look up to you and I thank you for them. You know me better than I know myself. Help me walk deeper into your heart so that you can change me to become more like your Son Jesus. I know I’ll be able to walk in my calling more effectively when I’m more like him. 


I’m reminded that it’s through the trials in our life that the Lord is able to teach us and draw us nearer into his heart if we don’t resist this harder way of learning. This way of learning is more difficult because it requires us to have faith, a growing faith that looks past what is seen with our natural eyes and sharpens the sight of our spiritual eyes. This walking in faith becomes something we can tangibly walk in and is our life because of how much we depend on God on a day to day basis. This faith in our continual walk with God has more deeper meaning and gives us more assurance than what we could ever build in our own strength as we place things around us that make us feel more secure.

I was also reminded by the Lord that as I’m faithful with exposing my intimacy with him to others, I’m also intimate with others in a Godly way, allowing my vulnerability to draw them too, deeper into the heart of God. We can all identify with the need to grow closer into the Lord in order to live a meaningful life. I hope today’s post has encouraged you in your walk with Jesus -He is faithful!!!!