The Living Word

My Father, I’m reminded of how small I am in comparison to the greatness of who You are. I’m reading a book about the authority and power in Your Word. You Jesus being the Living Word. I’ve only begun to taste the greatness of who You are. Help me to be able to absorb what I’m reading so the words don’t quickly leave my thinking. I love You. 

My faithful one, you are mine and I love you.

Dad, todays the last day of the year. I wasn’t planning to record today but earlier this morning I had such a strong pull to record so I decided to do one last recording for the year. I don’t have anything planned so please help me to know what to talk about. 

I will help you my daughter. Trust in Me. 


This Christmas I baked a ham in the oven with baked potatoes. A few things I baked were cinnamon buns and jam jams. We got an air fryer as a gift so the other day I coated frozen chicken wings with salt and a garlic mix powder and air fried it, and it was so good! We watched the three Narnia movies this last week.

Yesterday I introduced myself to my treadmill again…was not planning to run three miles but it was going so well that I did! 

I feel that I need to clarify a part of a dream I had recently. I saw the face of someone high up and a face of someone else also higher than me but lower than the other one, and I was standing, looking at both. The middle person was taking orders from the person higher (who I sense is God), who had told the middle person to do something, so when I saw this person eating an apple, I thought it represented something that they were told to do, and they were not in a hurry in the slightest. This person was taking his time and I was looking up at the ceiling, kind of rolling my eyes and a bit impatient. I at first thought it represented what I needed to do (start reading more) which would make others wait for me because it’s an additional thing that takes time to do, but I actually don’t think it means that. I have a sense that it’s me who’s already taking too long, making God, myself and others wait for me because I’m not taking something the Lord has asked me to do seriously enough. This morning I was thinking about this and it dawned on me that this person represented me. So I’m taking advantage of this one last day of the year to record something, probably a very short recording, but I need to be obedient.

 I’m really enjoying my new book and am learning how important it is to declare scripture, and not in an entitlement kind of way to lord Gods words over him or back to him for selfish reasons. I was kind of hesitant about reading this book because of that, so gaining a better understanding about it is good. Something that I know is that Gods word is living, but something I hadn’t thought about before is that we need to give his living word, voice, because it’s in his spoken word when God will move -his words will not come back to him empty, without first having done what it was sent out to do. It was the same when God created the earth; The Spirit was hovering over the darkness and there was still no light. As soon as the spoken word was released, light was created…Jesus, the Word, was released through Gods voice. His light is in His Word, and as I proclaim His Word, I’m releasing Jesus to create!

I had a dream last night. I was in a building and I saw that they were building a church. I was looking at the sanctuary, a very wide room from the back of the room. I saw first, a complete row and I think the starting of the second one, freshly built wooden pews along the left side of the room. Then I saw another completed row and then the completed rows of the entire sanctuary. Then I was running around a corner, so excited to change in the changing room/stalls which were public. I had on black leotards and saw that I had had a transparent set of wings on like I would a costume; I saw that I had taken it off. Then I sensed and saw my brother Peter (who in an earlier dream would help me build a bridge) walking in a formal suit, hands behind his back and walking slowly, enjoying listening to others and had a smile on his face. I was facing the wall between the changing stalls and saw a sink and a door. My brother would wash his hands before using the door to leave the room. He was the pastor of the church in my dream (and is a pastor in a Mennonite church in waking life), and I had a sense that when he’d leave the room, it would be to go and preach. I know the Lord is building something in me so that I can more freely speak about him in my life, and I believe the Lord is going to fill those seats! Blessings as we go into the New Year of 2022!!