All for Your Glory!

My Father, You are my first love. Thank you for drawing me out so that you could draw me near -I love you.

My daughter, this is my good pleasure, for you are Mine and are worthy of love. 

Father, knowing this has settled deeply in my heart, and I will too, be forever thankful..

My daughter come, you have been invited. Draw nearer to me on this long-awaited day, and I will draw you deeper into my heart and deeper into what I have waiting for you.

Father, the joy I have in my heart settles deep because of you. This is your signature, your fingerprint. All you do is for your glory. Just like you’ve invited me, and I come running to you..I invite you too, to come deeper into my heart so that I’ll be able to know you more. 

Caroline, all is well with you; you are in good/right standing before me. You have been approved and have been found worthy.

Father, sometimes you speak such mysteries into my heart, and I have such delight in searching your heart to know what you mean. Thank you Holy Spirit for your guiding light. Your ways with me are so astounding -you bring new life into my heart and into my being. I worship you, my Dad. Let my life and your amazing ways with me be a witness for you. 

You already are a witness for me, my faithful daughter, and I’m so very proud of you!! 


Another snow day! I’m so relieved that I went to my parents yesterday and did some grocery shopping for them, because today I would not have been able to! Now when I go and visit them, I have a sense of love that I haven’t felt in a long time, and I think it has something to do with God having revived my heart. I feel love for them and I feel loved by them. I’m so thankful that I can experience this before my dad passes away. Most of the time he sits in his recliner close to their electric fireplace. He doesn’t drive anymore and hardly goes out of their condo. My mom takes really good care of him, and I’m glad to also know their love for each other.

I had a dream two nights ago where I was in a rowboat with someone on a pond. I had jumped into the water and don’t remember swimming, when the person in the boat quickly/urgently yelled for me to come back, beckoning me with their arm to come back into the boat because there were turtles in the water. So I immediately began to swim back to the boat, also feeling an urgency to get back into the safety of the boat. Turtles represent emotional lockdown…not wanting to do anything except deal with a specific problem until the threat is gone, or until the problem has passed. For me, if I would have an emotional lockdown, the only thing that comes to mind about that is that I would have stopped recording because of a deep trial, but then resume after things have settled. In my mind I wouldn’t have thought to do a recording during a deep trial, but I know now that even in deep trials, the Lord wants me to keep recording. I need to do another one today or this weekend.. and I’m looking forward to it! It gives me the greatest satisfaction after I’ve completed another one, knowing that this is what God wants me to do and that God is so proud of us, his children when we follow him into the deep end..

My faith could also be tested in an unexpected way in the near future, so I’ll try not to expect the worst, but rather hold onto what the Lord has already shown me. I’ll be okay.. Having said all of that, I know without a shadow of a doubt that I’m walking where I’m walking because the Lord is leading me this way, and that’s why I know that I’ll be okay. I’ve already seen an invitation to come back if I panic, so I’m just going to tighten my grip and remember that I believe what he’s spoken to me about. I’m deeply rooted in my sure foundation, my Lord!