The Sword of Wisdom

Caroline, come my daughter, I love you -you are mine.

Father, my heart is yours. I am yours. All that I am is yours. I worship you God my Father. You’ve given me the sword of Wisdom -help me use it. Teach me how to use it so it doesn’t go to waste. 

I will teach you my daughter. You will learn as we go.

Okay Dad, I trust in you.

Caroline, there are things I will show you about this sword that will help you use it. Come further into my heart my darling and I will show you how. “The weapon of warfare” 

Father, I heard in my heart the words, “The weapon of warfare.” What do you mean about that?

Caroline come, the weapons of warfare are not carnal.

Father, teach me more about that; I’ve heard this phrase before. 2 Corinthians 10:4,5 says, ” The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 

Father, I’m only beginning to walk deeper into the calling you’ve placed on my life. Show me if there are strongholds in my belief about that, and help me use wisdom Father. Is there something you want me to think about or is there a belief I have that needs to be broken off Father? Please make this known to me. 

Caroline my daughter, authority comes from me and I give it to whom I wish. 

Father, you know that I’ve always felt like I have no value. I know Lord that I do because you’ve restored my heart. If there’s still a stronghold in my belief about that, then I repent of it. Do your work in me Father as I break this stronghold in Jesus name. Father, pierce my heart with your sword of wisdom so that your healing, your work will be done deep down where my inner beliefs are that only you can see. Father, I know you’re doing your work within me. Pour into me Holy Spirit and help me to take every thought captive.

Caroline come, all is well. You are exactly where I want you to be. I will surely draw you nearer into my heart, for this is my good pleasure. 


I love talking with my Dad. I think one day I’ll have more time. I always feel pressured to stop -my watch just told me that I’m stressed. I guess I’m a bit stressed about that because lately my Bible, prayer and writing time have been challenged. I’ve been putting a lot of time into these things and I know I need to be more balanced and do other things more too. I know that I don’t spend enough time with my kids, so I really need to work on having a better schedule. This morning my kids and I helped tear down the setup at our in-town church campus, so it was nice to see a few familiar faces I haven’t seen in a while. I’m sensing that I shouldn’t record this week.. not this week.. either I’m completely done or done just for this week. I’m going to take it one week at a time. What I will do is continue with my two writing pieces.. I think they’re coming along great! 😊