Glowing Embers

My Dad, You are mine. Thank you for your presence and your guidance. Thank you for your Goodness, your Mercy and your Love. Thank you for your Grace in our close walk together. I love you so very much! 

My faithful daughter, you are mine this day and all the days to come. I am near to you today. Rest, for I am always with you. 

Thank you Father that you’ve spoken to me awhile back already about some decisions I’ll need to make. You’ve already directed me about them so these are not unknown by me; you are my guiding light. 

Yes my darling, I am, and all is now complete. 

Dad, please help me see clearly in this time. I know that the turquoise glowing embers I saw two nights ago represent your presence in some way. I also sense that the time to leave this cave has come because we weren’t suppose to touch this light that was revealing itself all over the cave. It’s like you’re causing us to leave this sheltered area and go out, re-enforcing this by the threats of the wolves. 

My faithful daughter, all is well with you. You may go and leave this place. 

Father, I don’t know how to leave this place. I’m sensing not to stop posting my writing for now, and with my recordings, I’m going to wait until I’m directed about that in the way you’ve shown me. 

I will show you my love; go and be at peace. I am with you wherever you go. 


I’ve learned that my trust in Jesus cannot grow if I’m not dependant on him. I think the blue/teal colour which was more turquoise because of how bright it was, could also represents healing. God spoke to me about something this morning in my separate prayer time. He had given me a quick dream a few weeks ago and I’ve been keeping this to myself because of my uncertainty about it. I saw in the far distance a person, and God gave me knowledge about this person; Gods purpose for this person is to be around for a long time. I think this person represents myself. It’s what I sense and the Lord told me to own it. Okay, so if the Lord wants me to own it, I need to confidently walk in Gods purpose for me and not be shy about his ways with me. I’m hesitant because it may come across as being arrogant. However many youthful years God is going to restore back to me, I’m so deeply thankful for every moment of it. I’ve often thought that God wasn’t being fair about something, that in the olden days of the patriarchs, Enoch got to walk with the Lord for several hundred years, giving him so much time to grow in love with the Lord. I think that the more we grow in love with the Lord, this love will stay with us when we get to heaven. It’s my hope that I want to grow my love for the Lord as much as possible because in heaven, which will last for eternity, I want to be as close to Jesus and the Father as much as is possible. I think that my walk with Jesus on the earth will determine how close I get to be with him in heaven. I think this is true for anyone. I’m not completely sure that my thinking is right, but if it is or not, I don’t want to waste any time here. Having said that, I’m not sure what God wants me to talk about, but I think I’ll be doing another recording this week -blessings!