A Good Idea

James 1:17  “Every good and perfect gift is from above…” 

Jeremiah 29:11,13-14 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord…


Last night we took our kiddos to see the new Dr. Strange movie. It was a bit gruesome and covered Bella’s eyes at a few places. It’s definitely not one of my favourites though. We saw it at Grant Park -being in the mall reminds me of a few things that God showed me in a dream not too long ago. As we were sitting in the theatre, I had put a KitKat in my pocket and gave two pieces to Bella who was sitting beside me. As I was giving her the chocolate pieces, I remembered my dream and thought that maybe there was a connetion between the two. After the movie another part of what God showed me about being in a mall also became reality and completely took me by surprise. Even though I was taken by surprise, I feel cared for by God because of the way he interacts with me and sees everything -God is Just. 

In my dream last night I was in a factory of some kind where everyone had a table in front of them. There was a kind lady who was managing all the people who worked there, and I saw how busy she was. She was standing in front of my table, facing me, and I was standing on the other side of the table facing her. She suggested that I call a younger brother to let him know when I’m ready, and he would let her know, and then she’d come to help me. There was someone standing on my side of the table who thought it was a bad idea and verbalized it, so I agreed with him. Then the lady said, “Oh, I think it’s a good idea,” and then she walked away to continue helping the others. Then I told the person beside me that I did have a younger brother, and in fact I had five brothers. Then I turned around and saw one of my younger brothers who’s name means,”God is my Judge,” standing behind me, facing me. He had a light blue shirt on and it was like he had light shining from within him, like he was glowing with joyful warmth. I could see that he was joyful. In the last day or two I’ve been thinking about what it means to be in Jesus’ warm embrace and I long for this so much! I feel that I’m closer to him now than I’ve been and I also feel a deeper love when I think about his welcoming embrace. I’m thinking that one cannot help but grow deeper in love with Jesus as we journey together. In the core of who we are there needs to be intimacy with him and with the Father!

Today I’m taking supper to my mom with my kids. Going there now is much better -feeling rest in that place in my heart that couldn’t rest before. Blessings to you -have a wonderful Canada Day tomorrow!!