Quality Time Together

My Dad, you know all things.

I do. (sensing him smiling)

I’m glad. You’re interested in me and this intrigues me because of the greatness of who you are. Because of your relentless pursuit of me, I know my worth; you wouldn’t pursue something or someone if you didn’t value them. 

That’s right Caroline.

Father my heart is content. You’ve met my hopes and dreams and are giving me so much more than I could ever have asked for. I’m so amazed by you and I want to continue to get to know you more. 

My darling, come further in, there’s more. 

Father, I can’t stop smiling.. There’s nothing else I’d like to do more than to spend quality time with you.

Then come, let’s walk together.


About seven years ago I had a dream that I don’t think I’ve shared yet. I was in a very small row-boat with someone that I didn’t see because I was behind him, but I think he was the Holy Spirit. He was doing all the hard work, rowing, as we got to know one-another. We had just left land and I looked back to see Jesus standing close to the edge of the water, watching us leave, and I knew we had his blessings. I could see when I looked at him that he had a purpose for this. Right before we left, Jesus had spoken to the Holy Spirit to set a time and place where we’d meet him again, but I didn’t hear this information. I really wanted Jesus to come along, but this was our time to get to know each other. Then before the dream ended, I saw that the water was peaceful and calm as we steadily rowed into the deep end. Looking back at the past seven years I can say that the water has not always been calm. The Holy Spirit has taken us through many storms, but now again I’m sensing the water is calm and we’re steadily rowing forward again. I know that the Holy Spirit has worked so much harder than I have to get us where we need to be, and I’m so deeply thankful to him for that.. Before we began our journey together I thought I had myself all figured out, but apparently I didn’t because the Lord showed me areas in it that I thought looked different. If it wasn’t for the Lord, I wonder how I could ever truly have let myself be known? I’m just shaking my head at the thought. I was like a teenager who thought I knew better than my parents! Oh my, I’m just so thankful that God’s so very patient with me and pursues me with a passionate heart; because he pursues me passionately, I see my worth more, and in turn I can pursue him with more passion!!

Last night I dreamt that I was deep in outer space. We had travelled to the place where we were by “swimming” through the air. I saw a bar in a rectangular shape and a couple landing on it like they were acrobats. There was nothing that held the bar in its place in space but it was firmly there, and the couple could have missed and fallen straight through, but they didn’t. I saw that she was facing upward as if she was laying on the floor but there was nothing holding her up, except that she was holding onto the bar with her arms straight out, and her legs were also straight out, her feet hooked onto the opposite bar. He was there with his hand underneath, not touching but close, to steady her for support. Then because it was almost time to go, I looked up and saw in the distance a big planet that we were about to “swim” back to. My journey with Jesus is definitely not boring, but is the most amazing thing that could ever have happened in my life! Jesus is the one who strengthens the core of who I am in him; it needs to be strong if I’m going to walk on a long journey with him. In the last part of my dream I was shopping for shoes! I had three pairs of shoes I was going to buy; sturdy sandals for walking, a comfy pair, and a pair of high heel shoes! Walking forward I’m going to do my best to please my heavenly Dad more. Whatever is left of this particular journey, I want to end it by surging forward in his strength and having a victorious mindset!!