Home With You

Isaiah 48:17, “This is what the Lord says, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the Lord your God who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.” 

In my journey into intimacy with Jesus, he’s awakened my heart with his everlasting love. In our journey together Jesus has shown his passionate love for me in intimate ways. Because the Lord said in the beginning after Satan deceived Adam and Eve, that Satan’s food would be the dust of the earth, which is what we’re made from; the more he gets us to hate each other and walk in the lusts of our flesh, the more food he and his demon’s have. Jesus has shown me deep love in intimacy in the way I understand, but in the purest and most Holy way, which mirrors how intimacy between a husband and wife should be. The way he’s awakened love within me is by taking me on the most passionate journey of my life; both passionately difficult and with passionate love, so that we can say about our journey together, “Deep roots that are being grown is a deep friendship being built.” 

If Jesus can be courageous enough to leave his glory in heaven to come to a tiny planet as a man where evil and sin dwells, for love;

If Jesus can be courageous enough to have all of sin, from the beginning of time until the end of time, put onto him and die as a man (stripped of his power), and rise again for love;

If Jesus can be courageous enough to wait for me and help me turn my heart fully towards him and face him unashamed, being patient and kind as he led me into spiritual wholeness so that I could find and know his deep love for me;

If Jesus can be bold and courageous enough to show his perspective of his passionate love for me in my dreams throughout my journey into wholeness together with him, then I too will be bold and courageous enough to write him a love letter from the deepest part of my heart.  A love letter to Jesus:

From my heart to yours,

You’ve spoken to me in parables and have led me through a maze, running after genuine love, using a faceless map. Through this you were teaching me the sound of your voice as I got to know you at heart level. Through this I learned to see with my heart and I’ve come to know that what you were saying all along, is true. I do see, and you are the reason I do. 

Your love has changed me, has awakened me. Thank-you for being patient as you watched me lay emotionless in a glass tomb deep in a hidden cave. Thank-you for searching for me through the high mountains and deepest valleys until the missing and exact piece (my heart) was found that fit perfectly in yours. I was also searching for your love and thought that it had passed me by, but Jesus found a way where there was no way. He knew how to wake me up so that I could come out of a lonely tomb. 

You’ve taken me on a journey in a small row-boat and have taken me deep into the sea where the mightiest storms of the heart are, so that I would learn to trust in you and in your love -I love you and I trust you to catch me, and you have. In the beginning of your pursuit of me, I ran as quickly as I could through a deep metaphorical forest, turning this way and that just to see if you could keep up and endure a length of time.. to see if you really loved me enough to follow and not give up. I apologize for this, but you’ve shown me that this actually wasn’t that hard for you to do because love covers all. You’ve shown me your faithfulness which speaks volumes to my heart. 

Therefore, while you’ve been pursuing me, I’ve been pursuing you too. I’ve climbed the highest mountain; swam in the middle of the longest and most ferocious lake with only enough light to see dimly in front of me; have gone through many battles and have always gotten back up; I’ve walked the most difficult journey in my life, so that I could be with you. 

When I’ve been discouraged and haven’t known the way forward, the Holy Spirit has always led me back to you. He’s fixed what was broken, and continues to fix the brokenness inside my heart so that I can be at home with you. I’m dressed in my light blue gown that has been specifically made for me as God has made my heart whole-y his. I’m walking down this wedding aisle here on earth, getting ready as your bride. Every step I’ve taken has been a step of faith, and now my trust in you and your love has grown so very much. I’m waiting until we can finally meet each other face to face, see your genuine smile, gaze into your eyes without looking away, and sit at the banqueting table together.

In my last dream with Jesus as his bride, I was waiting for his kiss as I watched his lips come closer to mine, and I think that something more will awaken within me when his lips finally meet mine -I’m waiting for this moment! Thank-you Jesus for diving deep with me, and growing a deep, passionate, and intimate love relationship with me. I have peace in my heart and I’m so glad to finally know love. We’ve climbed the highest mountain together, and together is where I’m home with you.. I love you Jesus, so very much..❤️