Not Giving Up!!!!

Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

My Father, you know what’s in my heart; draw out what you want me to say. I want to walk in the calling you’ve given me and I so desperately need your help!

I am near my daughter, rest.

Father, as I’m putting my writing together for my next recording, lead me. I know that I can do all things in your strength, so I lean into you and I trust you as you do your work in me.

I love you my darling. I am always near. Caroline, I have something for you today; rest for the weary, it’s coming.

Thank you Father. I’m looking forward to this kind of rest, but I’m picturing myself nearly at the top of the steep cliff, and I’m going to climb up the more difficult way right above me because I know you have a plan for me. You’ve led me to this exact place so I know you will help me finish. 

I will help you my daughter. I will continue to lead you in the way you should go. Don’t finish climbing with fear; look only to me to guide you, and I will. Trust me and lean not into your own understanding.

Thank-you Father, Holy Spirit. 


Galatians 6:9, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” 

In my understanding the choice is mine, if I want to take the easier way up or not, and I like that it’s my choice. I like it because then I can show that I’m not going to take the easier way up, but the more difficult way. I know that I have a bit of stubbornness in me, so I’m going to use it for my advantage.. this is a good time to use it, to do what I know is right! I know the Lord has such an awesome plan, and I want to give him as much glory through my walk with him as I can. I also don’t want to finish with a fear that I may fall, so I won’t look down or anywhere else but only into the beautiful eyes of Jesus.. he is my strength. I have a clearer picture of how to lay out my message and I’m so thankful.. I feel welcomed, and I know that Jesus always draws me to himself…he is a God of love who always directs us in the way we should go. ❤️ I got up at five this morning to have more quiet time, and I’m hoping to be prepared for Thursday. Our friend from Brazil will be coming early next week, Monday or Tuesday, so I’d like to finish this before she comes. Thank-you and many blessings to you!!!