I Am Faithful….

Father, I’m waiting for you -I have no idea what to say. So I thank you for the passion in your heart for me. Thank you for leading me in the exact way you’ve done. 

Caroline, all is well with you -you are mine.

Help me Father to do these tasks today that I don’t enjoy. Your joy is my strength, so help me find the little pockets of joy you’ve placed in various places where I’ll be today. Thank you Father for these -I love you and I worship you with all my heart. 

I love you my daughter -you’ve found one already.

Father, I was visualizing what I was asking and it gave me joy to think about it. Thank you for that. 

I am faithful Caroline….


Today I’m deep in financial papers and I don’t have time to get milk to make myself a latte, sigh, oh well, I’m sure it could be worse! So, I’m taking a break to do something I love to do, and that is connecting in my writing, which is a huge joy for me! Two nights ago I dreamt that I was in a “foreign atmosphere” and I saw someone that represents that, riding her bike -something is balanced. I had hugged her, and because I had embraced her, my face was covered in a white powder -I didn’t mind and was happy. I feel like I did my part well, not perfect but as well as I knew how. Then all of a sudden we had passed through into Canada, and the suddenness of it was such a nice surprise. I could here people talking in english and it was such a relief for me. Then the person I was with and following stood in front of me and said we needed to find a place to stay. There were others with us and I said that there’s a hotel in every town, so it wouldn’t be difficult to find. Then the person said it wasn’t for us, it was for those with us because we had a flight to catch soon -I sensed at one, or the beginning of the afternoon that day. Then I had my iPad in my hand, and with my other hand I swiped the screen a bit from the bottom going towards the top, which indicated the beginning of our journey, going towards the ending of it. As I did, the journey we’ve been on was like a map on the screen, and it was like the grass began to turn green from the bottom of the map to the top. I saw this and was amazed by it.

Then last night I dreamt that I was in my not actual back garage, empty, talking to my neighbours, a husband and wife. They were looking down, and when I told them, I was also looking down, and said that someone had passed away not even a week ago. I sensed it was mid week and they had passed away the Thursday or Friday before. Then I was in my very well to do house/mansion, and there was a lady that was chasing me, trying to kill me. I couldn’t go through the front door because then she’d see me, so I was trying to get out through the window. The enemy just won’t stop. I have no idea what this means except that the enemy always wants to kill, steal and destroy, so whatever, I’m not going to worry about it. But what I catch myself thinking sometimes is that people will be angry at me when they know the unconventional way the Lord has led. I know that the Lord has led me in my whole journey, and I know his ways are always perfect and right, so I’m glad that I can rest in that. 

..I’m hoping I have it right that this week I don’t need to record, so I look forward to preparing for next week!! With all the snow in our back yard, our basement is already letting some water in so we’ve needed to clear out Lucas’ room because it’s begun to really smell:( I’m hoping and praying our basement won’t get flooded this year. Since we’ve been here, ten years, it’s never flooded in the spring. All in all, my heart is filled when I think about all the good things the Lord is doing in my life!