My Love Surrounds You

Hebrews 12:11

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”


My faithful one -all is well with you. You are Mine, the one I love. Come near, for I am well pleased with you. 

Thank-you Father for drawing me near. I love you. Do you have a word for me today?

Yes! Love and trust. 

Father, when I look at you and not at the enemy, what I’m always up against, then I rest in love and trust. Help me not to look at the waves. There’s been a calm, but waves always come back. 

My faithful one, I am faithful in the calm and in the storm, so there’s no reason to fear. Remember it is I who walks with you, and I know you well. 

Thank-you Father -You are my comfort. Thank-you for drawing me near to you again this morning. You are faithful and you’ve blessed our steps together. I don’t need to be afraid of what the enemy can do because everything about me needs to go through you first. Thank-you that I’m always in Your sight and that you always look on me with love. I rest in your sight and in your love. Thank-you that I can do this. 

My faithful daughter, I am always near. You are mine this day. My love surrounds you. 


I’m so thankful for God’s reassurance. I woke up at 3:36 because I heard in my heart one of my kids (not my two kids) yell “mom?” really loudly. It was as loud as my son would yell but it wasn’t him. Here I’m thinking I need to do one more recording…

I saw a calendar like the one on my phone where we can scroll up to see other months. I was watching as it was being scrolled up, and I had a knowing that on the last labour day holiday, it couldn’t work to actually take that day as a holiday, so it had been postponed and was coming up. And it wouldn’t be for just one day, it would be for many days. I vaguely saw some weeks were highlighted yellow which indicated that these weeks were our holiday. 

At 6:53 I woke up and had dreamt that I had come back to Crossfit and was talking to my coach Crystal. I had been doing work for her and I told her that I broke her broom handle, which was made of wood and had already been cracked. I saw that it was broken. Then I had also broken her paint-roller handle. Then I was doing something else for her and broke that handle too. I saw that that handle was really thin (here I’m thinking that my labour is almost done). Then I saw her work out and I was amazed at her strength, how much she had grown since I had seen her last. I saw her arm, and her muscle had grown as big as an exercise ball which looked like a globe. Then it was time for someone to train, to begin running. It was dark out and I followed this person as we ran on the road. Soon we came up to a lot of stuff, like big broken pieces of something, on the road. We were looking for a way to go through it and I found a clear path, walked through it and I pointed out to her where it was.

Then my daughter Bella and I were in our car. We were following my husband in his car. We came to an intersection when all of a sudden the car began to slide and bump into things. Then we had stopped (we hadn’t crossed through the intersection), it was dark and we were standing beside our car when a man came and threatened me, pointing a camera right in front of my face. I knew that Bella was in harms way. He wanted my wallet so because Bella was in harms way, I gave him my red make-up pouch where I keep all my identification -everything was in there (not my phone). I was feeling at a loss of knowing what to do when my husband came and was standing right in front of me, and I told him what had happened. 

Then I had come home and I saw the younger one of my two daughters, who was about three years old. She was standing in front of me as I knelt down to see her. She was really sad and missed me so much. She said that I had been away for about two weeks and I replied something, I don’t remember what but the feeling was that I had come back home and wasn’t planning on leaving again. I believe this dream represents these past two weeks when we had our Brazilian friend at our house. I didn’t record during this time but I’m planning to this week (Thursday or Friday), so I think this dream represents that, that I’ve come home and I’m on track again. I also believe that as I continue to nurture what God has given me to do, I’m nurturing the gifts that the Lord has given me, my spiritual family. 

Then I dreamt that the pandemic was starting another cycle again. People had begun to relax too soon, and because of it, it had started again in Toronto. So internally I was preparing myself for another hardship. Beautiful day today!!!