When You’re Home -I’m Home

My daughter come, all is well with you. I love you -you are Mine. I have something for you today.

I love you too Lord and I would love to know what you have for me.

Then come and follow Me Caroline, for you have been faithful in much. 

My heart is open to you Father; as far as I know I’m still following you closely, so make me aware if I’m resisting. Father, am I resisting?

No my darling. Come, and I will make you a fisher of men. 

Thank-you Father for leading me into how you want me to do this; it’s no longer a mystery. Thank-you that you’ve required me to pursue you for it -I know you more through having to pursue you. To pursue you also means to pursue the love of my life, and your word says that those who seek you will find you. I have found you, and therefore I have found love….

Yes you have my daughter. You’ve done well, my good and faithful servant. 

Serving you Father is such an honour. There’s no place I’d rather be than to be right in the centre of your will. My heart is here and this is my home. 

Welcome home My daughter.. today you are home with me..


Happy Thursday -such a beautiful day today!! Today my kiddos and I will get the school supplies they’ll need for the year. Tomorrow two of my sisters and I, along with my mom, my kids and maybe a few nephews will be heading out to Rushing River for the day, so we’re preparing for that today as well. The Lord woke me up three times last night; I love when the Lord does that! The first time was at 3:19 with a song in my mind; “swing low, sweet chariot, coming forth to carry me home.” 

The next time was at 4:21, and this time I dreamt that I was a teacher in a small school. The morning was done and it was around 11:30 which was our lunch break. I was walking with someone and we walked to an official place, an office, where we identified ourselves, and being connected to the school in this way was somehow an important thing. We were standing beside each other (he was standing on my left), facing the lady behind the counter. After the person who I was with identified himself to her (I had a sense that he didn’t need to explain who he was because he was already known), but I needed to say that I’m a teacher at the school. When I told her that, it was like a light-bulb went on in her mind, and her knowing that somehow gave me entrance, and us entrance together to be able to go where we wanted to go. I vaguely remember a white ribbon in my hair. I also dreamt that I was on a dark street looking for a place to stay. It was night time and I saw someone in the distance who I was with, sanding by a streetlight which suddenly went out. Then the scene changed where it was sunny outside and I was in someones home with my children, that also became our home. My children were happily doing things as I vaguely saw the person who’s home this was. I was inside and I saw the door was shut. Yes!!! I was so happy and content -this home looked and felt like home, and I knew that I was finally home!!!! Then another small dream where it was like I was living in the past yet not really. I was living in the beginning of what would become a huge city but right now was a quiet beautiful street with tall green trees gently rustling in the wind with driveways leading to houses on each side (I was standing in the middle of the street and saw this). I saw a small part of the old city underneath the ground, and a new  street sign on top of the ground that covered it. A new city was just beginning, so just like each city begins with one street, so was this. Then the third time I was awoken was at 5:53, I awoke with a complete sentence in my mind and a knowing that, “I’m at peace and at rest with walking with my husband.” ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 (I had a small dream where my daughter Bella and I were walking through a doorway, and we each had a garbage bag in our hand that we were throwing out. As we were walking through the doorway (could have been a set of doors), I saw through the glass window, the dumpster where we were going to put them in was already heaped with garbage, but I thought it could hold two more bags. The one I was carrying was very big and was orange in colour, and the one my daughter was carrying, who was following me, wasn’t as big.

I’m finally home with Jesus! Wow what a journey it’s been! When we walk with Jesus, having intimacy as our goal, we can’t help but fall in love with him because love is who he is. Intimacy grown with our spouse or our future spouse is the same when each have the same goal in mind -growing passionately in love with Jesus first as he leads us into our calling. Most of the time I think we put our spouse, future spouse, or our own plans we have for our life in the place of where our calling from God and purpose should be. I think we should pursue Jesus and the calling he’s placed on our life ahead of pursuing anything else. I truly believe that Jesus through the Holy Spirit will lead us to the person He wants us to marry, who will have the same calling. He has a way of merging people’s paths together in his timing. This is how we truly get to know one another, through the Holy Spirit. I think that God the Father would love to be the match-maker with his children, but this is a lot of work on our part because everyday our will needs to come into line with his, and the way to do this is to submit our will everyday and live a selfless life, all because of a growing love for him. When we as Christians allow God this role of leading us together with the person he thinks is a good match for us, there will definitely be less marriages breaking up; children will be able to grow up, having been taught through example how to hear the Holy Spirit in their heart and be able to be led by him, already beginning to walk on a journey with Jesus before they move out and begin their life away from home. We give our children a head-start in life this way. This is my idealistic view of how things could be when people take the time to be with Jesus, resolutely everyday, and grow an intimate love relationship with him -this is where it all begins.