I Am Loved


My dear one come, for you are Mine, the one I love. All is well with you. I love you.

Dad, I don’t know what to say this morning, but I can say that my heart is so glad..

My faithful one, I do have something for you today. 

Father, what do you have for me today? I really would love to know!

I love you deeply. Don’t run from exposure.

Father, I think I know to what your’e referring because of my dream last night. I do fear talking about my difficult journey in person with someone, like an interview. I’m a bit afraid because I don’t want to say the wrong thing. How open can I be?

Remember that you are loved..

Father, I’m afraid that I’ll begin to cry and then I won’t be able to say anything at all. I feel like I’m such a mess!

I will be with you Caroline. Come and don’t look back.

Father, your love always draws me closer to you. I pray that you’ll make a way for me to hear this and know that it’s love who invites me… then I can open my heart.

My faithful daughter, trust me and I will lead you.

Okay Father. Help me not to run out the door like I did in my dream. As we’ve been talking, I believe I’m understanding more to what you’re referring, and I want to continue our journey together with all my heart… this is just a big step for me. 

I know it is. Will you follow me Caroline?

Yes Father, with all my heart I’m diving in because I know that your love is a genuine love, and I trust in your love..

Then come -I will lead the way. 


I had such a wonderful time yesterday. It ended up being with just my sister, mom and my kids. My kids jumped off the dock many times and then we had a picnic by the falls -so beautiful and soothing. This last night I awoke at 1:44. In my dream I was talking with my dad who said, “We were at one of those!” It felt like it was a football game that he was talking about. In my dream we had been to one a long time ago, and I loved it that he remembered! In waking life I’ve only been to one official football game. I’ve often watched people play it for fun in family gatherings or other community events.. Football isn’t a sport we played as a family growing up, though I enjoy going to hockey games!

At 3:31 I woke up, and in my dream people were wondering about my walk with the Lord. I was in a brightly lit house and people inside were looking for me, wanting to talk with me about it. I ran outside, almost playfully, and I saw that it was dark/night. I thought to run and hide up in a tree but decided not to. So I ran around the corner of my house and ran in the freshly planted garden near my house where a flower garden would typically be. My feet went deep into the rich soil and I thought I must have ruined the seeds I had planted. Then as I ran past the front door where I could see how light it was inside, I quickly became tired of running and stopped. People were looking for me. As I’m writing this, I refuse to run for cover, because I know that the Lord covers me as I follow him, and he is my true covering where I’m safe. So as I remember who it is who loves me, I’m so deeply thankful, and I will follow him!!!