A Sense of Belonging

Ezekiel 38:23

“And so I will show my greatness and my holiness, and I will make myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord.” 

Father, thank-you for helping me overcome in these last few days. Thank-you for how you work in my life. I’m truly amazed by you.

My faithful daughter, I love you with an everlasting love. 

Father, I feel like I’m being embraced by you and by my family. I feel like I’m finally able to be included into the circle of those who know me and love me. I have a sense of belonging and I’m so thankful…

My daughter, you do belong, for you are Mine.

Thank-you Father. You’ve told me that so many times and today it resonates deep within my heart. I love you more than words can say..

Come my daughter, all is well with you.


Happy Friday!! Another nice Fall day! The Lord gave me two dreams last night, the first one I had barely fallen asleep. I dreamt that I was standing behind a counter or desk and someone was organizing a room for me to stay in at a hotel. It felt like I had been on a flight and had come back and now she was talking to me about the hotel room or giving me the details about it as she was looking down and working on a computer screen.

In the second dream I was driving my car on a gravel road and I saw that at one point someone had swerved a little into the ditch but had avoided it, so I saw the tire marks of them coming back onto the road. I saw this as I was also swerving back to be completely on the road again. (I had tried to record on Wednesday but it seemed like I had run out of fuel.) I was reminded a few days ago of a dream the Lord gave me many years ago where I saw Jesus gazing at me and our eyes locked for the longest moment. Then I looked behind me and was afraid he wasn’t looking at me anymore, but when I looked back at him, he hadn’t looked away but met my gaze again… I hadn’t planned to try and record the following day but something changed within me and I felt like I could do it -thank-you Jesus for your help!! As I was driving I knew there was another car on the opposite side of the square mile, and we were going to meet each other at a place like a park on the mile road that connected the one I was on and the one they were on. We were heading in the same direction, which felt like north, except one mile separated us from each other. So I was thinking that I could meet them on the actual mile road that connected us or I could go to the place and wait for them there, so then I decided I’d wait for them at that place. Then the scene changed where I was walking right in front of the place, and I saw the trees on the acreage of land. I had planned to walk straight on the gravel road that led to the driveway but then I saw a really nice cleared pathway (was a hard-packed, gravel path with green grass around it) leading into the acreage and I made a quick decision to go in that way because it looked so inviting (shortcut?) So I ran freely down and through the ditch and began running along the path. (While I had been on the road though, I didn’t see but I sensed there were a few others nearby and a horse.) Then the scene changed where there was a higher ground level that I had almost climbed up, and I had just gotten ahold of a tree with one hand. I think I could have been up all the way but I’m not sure. The white horse had followed me and had grabbed ahold of what I’m assuming was my pant leg to hold me in place so that I couldn’t go further. As the horse was keeping me from going further (it wasn’t pulling me down but was just holding me there), I put both my arms around the light coloured tree trunk and was holding on tightly. Here I’m thinking what my motive was in my dream; if I was holding onto the tree trunk so I wouldn’t fall or because I wanted to go further but the horse was holding me back. I don’t have a sense about either one but I wasn’t afraid of falling so I don’t think it was for that reason. I think it was that I had wanted to go further, but the horse was stopping that from happening. Today my kids and I are going to my mom’s place for a visit and to help with things. Earlier this week I completed a course that at the top of my head I can’t remember the name, but it describes our area of spiritual gifting; Exhorting (85), Mercy (83), Perceiving (81), Teaching (77), Giving (60), Leading (44), Serving (36). I realized lately that I need to make time to have more fun. I can hardly believe that I’m saying this, but having fun takes me out of my comfort zone:( baby steps… 👊🏻Much love and blessings to you!!!