surface breaks

Ecclesiastical 4:9

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work.”

My Father.

My daughter -welcome home.

Oh Dad. I so badly need your help! This is the cry of my heart.

I’m hear my daughter, rest, you are Mine and I love you.


The way I look at the verse above is more about spiritually working together as a team. When we’re firmly planted in Christ and deeply rooted in God, everything else will fall into place in God’s timing. We all know in part and therefore we need each other to be able to walk a better walk with the Lord. 

I awoke last night at 4:35 with the words “surface breaks” on my heart. The Lord is slowly bringing me out of hibernation!! In my dream last night I was one of the teachers in an elementary school and so was Jesus my husband. We would often connect. Then Joao and I were of course being intimate again in public; we were in my classroom on a small higher platform in the middle of the room and in plain sight of the completely open doorway. I wanted to hide our intimacy so then we had a blanket over us. I didn’t sense any students in my classroom. In one scene the bell had rung (I didn’t hear it) and students were passing our doorway, heading outside. Jesus my husband had come in front of the door wanting to connect but noticed that Joao was watching, so he just averted his eyes and looked down and went outside to be with the kids. 

I believe the meaning of this dream is that God is showing me that I, once again want to hide our intimacy from others. I’m being obedient to the Lord with being more in public, and I think that’s what “surface breaks” means. I really feel like I’m in labour -it’s so difficult to constantly be exposed, doing things that I’m not good at while everyone’s watching. But I know this is so good for me because the Lord’s taking me to a place where I would never go on my own.  And this place is a place where I’m going to learn to love being in, it’s just the way of getting there that’s so difficult. This is also a way for me to be known to others. I think it’s really neat that the Lord would show me, me, as I’m growing up into who God has called me to be at the same time as he shows others the roots of who I am. The reason I can keep going is because of his love, which keeps on inviting me forward. 

Then in the morning when I should have gotten up, I fell back asleep and dreamt that I was watching through the front window; Joao was pushing a carriage really happily with Bella as a toddler in his arms and holding Coco’s leash, who was walking beside them. They were walking down the sidewalk to my left and Bella was looking forward and recording forward where they were walking. Joao was really excited, looking forward, and it seemed like they were meeting someone that was walking towards them. I couldn’t see who it was because there was a corner -they were around the corner. Then the scene changed where I was looking out of the front window, looking to my right, and I saw they were by the truck, planning to go into the truck to go somewhere. I saw that Joao had been a bit distracted and could have began talking with someone I didn’t see this very well, but he was preoccupied with something and didn’t see toddler Bella begin to walk from the back of the truck and go around to the side of the truck to get inside. I saw a car come towards them and saw that Bella was in danger of either being hit or being kidnapped. So instead of watching to see what was going to happen, I quickly ran outside and didn’t bother with my shoes. So I ran barefoot out of the house, through some parked vehicles and through a water puddle. By the time I got there the car that I had seen approaching wasn’t there anymore, and I saw that Joao was on the sidewalk with whom I hoped was Bella in his arms. I only saw her back, the back of her pink winter jacket that she had worn when she was really little. I was walking towards them to make sure this was Bella when I awoke. I’m needing a bit of time to be able to interpret this dream..

Changing the subject, because theres a heavy snowfall warning, I won’t be bringing Lucas to fencing. He does fencing with one of his friends, and his friend’s mom and I take turns bringing them to the city. Today would have been my turn but I’m going to play it safe. Volleyball’s done for the season, so proud of my girl! And, I’m missing and craving coffee but I don’t want to be dependant on it at home -so once in a while I’ll have a caramel macchiato… I also quickly want to say before I go make shephard’s pie for supper, that the dream I got yesterday about the mom with her kids I think represents the Holy Spirit! I believe that the girl with shorter brown hair represents me (I’m going to get my hair cut because it’s thinning due to stress:( The mom I believe represents the Holy Spirit and I absolutely receive her love and warm embrace which is so affirming! The two other kids/teens were standing right beside each other -they were shorter and the same height -not proud/prideful. I believe this represents an aspect of my walk with Jesus in my journey with him, and I believe the Holy Spirit is so proud of who these people represent!! Love is their link:) Thinking about how the Lord reveals himself to me like this, how can I not follow him? How can I not grow more deeply in love with him? The uncomfortableness of what the Lord asks me to do is little compared to how the Lord fills the deepest part of who I am. I love the Holy Spirit; I love Jesus; I love  God the Father and my journey with Jesus…❤️‍🔥