A Journey of Belief

Psalm 40:1

“I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.”

My Dad. Thank-you for your goodness, your faithfulness and for your love. Thank-you for your forgiveness and your patience with me. Thank-you for your mercy and for your life in me. Please continue to awaken me so that I can walk deeper i to your calling on my life. Thank-you for leading me into my calling; help me to trust in you in every aspect of it. 

My sweet Caroline -you are mine and I love you.

Father, help me discern the meaning of the dreams you gave me last night.

My daughter come.

Father,I feel like I can’t hear you. What’s happening?

My daughter rest, all is well with you. Be anxious for nothing.

Okay Dad. I give you this day.

Come into my embrace Caroline -you are well loved.

Thank-you Father…


Sorry, I’ve been so conservative with my time online… the last few days I’ve not had much to say.. This morning I took my mom to an appointment and my kiddos are home today. I woke up at 2:12 and 3:19. The last few days I didn’t get any dreams but last night I got two! In the first one I was inside a higher apartment building in a small store. I was looking for a toothbrush and I couldn’t find one there. I has asked the person behind the counter/cash-register about it and he said I needed to go down to the third floor to the store there. As I was walking towards the door the dream ended. I looked in “DreamBible” about the meaning of what a toothbrush represents. Along with what it represents and because in my dream I was looking for it at the store tells me that I’m searching for confidence. There are a few things I need to do and I’m gathering confidence in order to do them.

I had a dream a few years ago about a toothbrush. It was in a small plastic bag like the ones we get from the dentist. My toothbrush and toothpaste were in a bag that was hanging on a wall close to the floor. I needed to bend down to get it. But before I got it, in the beginning of my dream I was in a small room with a single bed to one side. It was morning and I had just come back from the longest and most difficult battles of my life. I got up from the bed and I could hear the kids running around the house. I was standing by the closed door and I could see by my shadow that there was light behind me which caused a shadow of my feet and the bottom of my legs to be on the floor, which would reveal that I had come home to anyone who was on the other side of the door because of the small space between the door and the floor. Then I had come out of the room and was walking in the house and had stooped low to take the bag that had my toothbrush in it. After I picked it up I was walking and I saw someone, and my first instinct was to run, but that only lasted for a short moment, and then I went to him and embraced him, Jesus my husband. A few years ago this would have been my first reaction but not now. My journey has been a journey of belief, and I’m so deeply thankful that I’ve come such a long way -I’m so ready.

In my next dream I was in my moms new condo -she had just moved there. It was bright, clean and new and didn’t have a lot of furniture yet. I saw open space, clean carpet and a wall in the first part of my dream. I asked one of my family members if my mom was just renting or if she bought the place, and they said she bought it. I saw a few of my family members walking around the condo, and I was also walking around, observing it. I knew that the whole building was well and newly built and the other people who lived in the building were trust-worthy people. I was satisfied and comforted knowing this. I also knew that my brother Peter knew this too, and as he was walking around in it, I sensed that he was pleased with it. I saw that the condo was really spacious and had a lot more room than her previous place and could fit a lot of people at one time and could picture our family gatherings there. I had gone into a wide open hallway and saw my sister Connie there. Then I was in another part of the condo where the hallway led into (I think), and I saw two round tables right beside each other. They each had a really nice blue tablecloth overtop of them. I took them off and walked to my mom who was nearby and told her that we needed to pray over the condo because the previous owners were from a country foreign to me, India, and they had been practicing some kind of spiritual ritual that wasn’t of God. In my dream I felt like this was really important, to spiritually clean the condo, and was going to tell Connie that this is what we needed to do. The tablecloths had been left there by the previous owner so we needed to throw them out. 

Meaning: Generally, I think this dream is showing me that there’s been a transition or that I’m going through a positive transition where I’m walking forward with the Lord in the calling he’s placed in my life (new condo). On the other hand, I need to wash myself spiritually clean, and this is actually what I’ve started to do. My sister Connie lent a book to me by Beni Johnson entitled, The Power of Communion.” In it she talks about the importance of having communion everyday and how powerful it is because when we take communion, we’re in a spiritual battle for our health -spirit, soul and body. The first time I did communion on my own at home was a few days ago after I had gotten the dream about the loaf of freshly baked bread that had been broken apart. In my dream I had a piece in my hand that I ate, and Jesus who was standing behind the counter asked me, “why not today?” At first I wasn’t sure to what it meant but as I was writing about it, I thought that maybe the Lord was meaning communion. In her book she wrote about someone who had been sick for a while and as she was talking to this person, she realized that someone, who was a practicing witch, was putting a curse on this person, and that’s why she had been sick for so long and the doctors couldn’t find the reason. So Beni Johnson told her to start having communion everyday and to apply the blood of Jesus over her own life and send every curse meant to harm her back to where-ever it came from. She began to do this everyday and began feeling better right away. So this is what I’ve started to do!! The Bible says that there’s power in our words, whether good or bad. And because we live in a sinful world, I think we’re under a shower of good and bad words every day as we go about our day, so it’s important for us to take a spiritual shower every day.

Right before I awoke I had this completed sentence in my mind/heart: “Invite people to come into your house to be saved.” The sense I got from this is that the Lord wants me to invite people to receive Jesus into their heart at the end of my next recording. I have a sense from the Lord that he always wants me to give this invitation. I need to learn how to connect my messages to always point to that at the end. I feel like I never have the time I need to prepare for my next recording. I’m hoping I can do one this week. Last weekend we watched the first home-alone movie, and this last Saturday or Sunday we watched the second. I had forgotten about the part where one of the bad guys dipped his head into the toilet because the top of his head was on fire, but there was gasoline or oil in the toilet which of course didn’t help! But the most special part was about the two turtle doves, symbolizing friendship and love! This last Friday we watched the film, Prince of Persia -Sands of Time, which I really really really liked!! Especially at the end when she knew that she could trust him and she did… I will watch it again! I made a rice stir-fry for supper today with leftover beef, and added green beans, onions, garlic, and some asparagus that needed to be eaten. I’m trusting the Lord in the area of being on stage. I don’t want to do it because I have to, but because I want to, and I’m working on that. I’m just thinking now that how else will I practice being on stage if I don’t go up? This has definitely been a journey of belief for me. Blessings!!