Drawing near to Jesus

John 14:21

“Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.”

My Dad, I’m more thankful than words can say..

Come my darling, draw near to me and I will draw near to you. You are Mine.

Father, I hardly know what to say. I need you so much!!

Caroline my daughter, all is well with you.

Dad, do you have a word for me today?

Yes my darling I do. Come, the time is right.

Thank you Father for your leading! I hope that what I’m sensing is right. I trust you Father that if I’m wrong, that you will correct me so that I’ll keep going the way I’ve been going. If I’ve drank the whole cup you’ve given me, then I’m trusting that you’ll confirm that with me too.

My faithful daughter, you’ve done well and I’m so pleased with you! It’s time, are you ready Caroline?

Yes Dad, I’m ready. Do you think I’m ready?

Yes my dear one, you’re ready. I’ll always be with you -I love you.

I love you too Dad.


I’m sensing that I could be done my recordings but I don’t like to ask the Lord directly because in my heart I want him to agree with me so badly that I may hear my own voice. So I will still need confirmation about that, and I know that I will get confirmation about it whether it’s really done or if I do need to do two more. So far I’ve done 36, and I can hardly believe that I’ve done so many! Paid? Really only 36? Last night I dreamt that I had joined crossfit again, and that I had a connection with someone there. That whole dream is a bit vague, but I was glad to be there. In reality I’m not sure if the Lord is leading me to doing crossfit again. I’d like to start again but I think the Lord is showing me that I’ve connected somehow with a spiritual strength that can only come from him. 

Just before noon today I lay down to relax and read some emails. After I read them, I was thinking about them and immediately fell asleep and I received two short dreams: I was in a restaurant and I saw a nice lady invite me into the kitchen area. I had been standing there so I followed her in. As soon as I walked around the corner I saw a girl who looked like she was kneeling, cleaning a white, round, thing coming up from the floor. It looked like some kind of shoot where people would throw stuff into to throw away. It was about 2 feet high and had a white flat ring around it which was about two inches wide -the whole thing was white. The girl was leaning over it a bit as she was cleaning it, so I saw her brown hair. I looked into it and saw that the hole was about a foot wide which went through the floor. I saw that it was dirty and the girl was cleaning it. Then I woke up a little and fell back asleep and had a quick dream of cookie monster going crazy on cookies, though I didn’t see the cookies but only his opened mouth getting ready to eat one:) Then I woke up to my dog barking, wanting to come back into the house, so I had a quick 20 minute nap! I’m still thinking about the meaning and I know the Lord will make it more clear to me yet; I believe it has something to do with making spiritual food and could represent putting my recordings together. The girl cleaning the shoot could represent that something about making spiritual food is done, because she was cleaning the shoot -praying for more clarity.. Changing the subject, normally in the Christmas season I usually like to get a Chestnut Praline Latte at Starbucks, and I got to enjoy one yesterday with my mom after her appointment! So good! The sunset photo was from the day that I did my last recording that I took through my kitchen window -so vibrant! I’m making black beans for supper tonight! Blessings…