God is God!!!

John 16:22

“So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.”

Come My daughter, I love you -you are Mine.

Father, I’m so sad that I can’t come to church today…

Rest My dar one. I’m here with you.

I’m leaning into You Dad. I love you..

Caroline, I have something for you this morning. Are you ready for it?

Dad, I’m ready. I don’t know what you have for me this morning but I totally trust You, so I’m ready.

Good! Come, lets walk together, you and I..


Yay, it’s Sunday again… though I’m so sad to say we can’t come to church this morning because my daughter Bella has covid. She’s doing really well though; she has a headache and a stuffy nose and a bit of a tummy ache. I’m using essential oils on her; doTerra: Easy-Air for her throat, ZenGest for her tummy and On-Guard on her back/neck area. I put a few drops in a bit of coconut oil. Today I’m going to grind my own flour and make buns! I’m a bit embarrassed to say that I’ve had a 22.5 KG sack of wheat berries that I bought five years ago, and it’s mostly still full! I made bread from it only a few times and this morning I had a desire to use them again. I’ll post a photo of my baking in tomorrows post. Normally when I bake bread I use white and wholewheat flour that I buy from the store, but grinding my own flour and having that rough texture in the buns sounds really good right about now!

Last night I received a few dreams: I was in a room with Bella, standing beside a queen or king size bed. Bella wanted me to get a brown writing board from between two big, thin boards that where standing in front of the bed like a headboard and where the headboard would be, and I needed to use a pencil to pry them out. So then I think I was kneeling on the floor, prying about three wooded writing boards out that were wedged between them. Then the scene changed where I was in a really big room and in front of me was a really high and really long table, and there were many people sitting in a row on the other side of this formal table facing me, and Bella was sitting there too. I was standing on the floor at the centre so that half of the table was to my left and the other half was to my right, and I was right in front of it so that I could touch the table cloth that was covering it, with my hand if I stretched it out. The whole table looked like a head table at a wedding. It was like the table was on a platform because the top of the table was many feet above my head. I vaguely saw someone throw something up so that it would land on the table and I needed to do the same, so I had a pencil and something white like a white kleenex in my hands, and I threw it up as high as I could. I watched it go up, hoping it would land on the table, and I watched it go down, landing on the table! Because it was so light I was hoping it wouldn’t just float down, which it didn’t. Then I saw that the people that were sitting on the right side of this long table had caught it (sensed this was the groom side), and I saw that they had smiles on their faces and were celebrating. I had a sense that they were going to pass it towards the middle. I believe that the Lord wants me to continue writing through the different events in my life. I think the lightness in the kleenex indicates that my heart is light and pure and well prepared for future events. I’ve used up many kleenexes in the past which had gotten really heavy, and the Lord has brought me to a place of being able to have peace in my heart. Throwing the pencil and kleenex up onto the table reminds me of a time of rejoicing and putting something on the table for others to see.

Then in the next dream I was holding a newborn baby in my arms, but I was struggling to carry it. It was like I had to carry two things in my arms at once and I needed to find a way to do it. At one point I had to quickly put the baby down onto the floor so I wouldn’t drop it and so I could get a better hold, and it was crying a little. I remember feeling one of the muscles or a tendon in the baby’s neck and had my hand there to hold the baby’s head. But the muscle that I felt helped me to secure my hold on the baby. Then I thought to hold the baby up towards my shoulder, thinking the baby would be more comfortable, so that’s what I was going to try as I was waking up. When I woke up this morning I had lyrics singing in my heart, “…so empty without you…” Any distance between Jesus and I is painful, and it really makes me sad when this happens.. I believe the baby represents me getting comfortable being in front of everyone one stage, and I’m still trying to get a grip on it; Jesus is drawing me closer as I keep following him. 

We watched the online service this morning and what I received from the Lord is a reminder that he is God, and I don’t need to worry about what other people may think about my walk with him and what I know or don’t know about my future. Because when we have an intimate walk with God, he shows us his heart, including some of what he has in store for us in our future. Some of what he’s shown me is sad, but what he’s also shown me has given me such gladness and great hope, which has helped me through many many difficulties already. Because of this great hope, I can run through the difficulty ahead because he’s already prepared my heart for it. He’s also prepared my heart for what’s in store for me after the difficulty, so I have something so great to look forward too!!! My takeaway from the service this morning is that I can rest, and I do rest, knowing that God is God and I am his creation, his daughter who’s following him in his plans for me… God is so Good!!!!!!! ❤️‍🔥