I. am. blessed.

Psalm 84:11,12

“For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favour and honour; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless. O Lord Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.”

My Dad, I love you; You are so Good and I’m so deeply thankful for you.

I love you my daughter, and I am well pleased with you. 

Come, you are Mine -I value you..

Thank-you Lord. Father, do you have a word for me today?

I do -you are blessed.

I. am. blessed. I’m really absorbing this Father, absorbing what it means for me. 

What does it mean for you my daughter?

That you are pleased with me and that you are pleased with my walk with you. Your blessing gives me life and purpose. Your blessing also tells me that I have a lot to look forward to. I’m also reassured of your love… I picture a white cloud of blessing over me wherever I go. Remembering this throughout the day also helps me have a positive mindset. Thank-you Father for your blessing.

Your welcome Caroline -You are Mine. 


Last night I awoke at 3:57 and I had dreamt that someone was taking aim to shoot an arrow straight into a big black coloured circle. Then in another dream I was in a house or building and as I was walking I could hear someone work on or repair some kind of machine. Then I was standing in front of a white toilet, looking down into it, and I saw something like an engine part of a machine, white, that belonged to the toilet that filled the whole middle area. It didn’t belong in that exact spot but someone had put it there. As I touched it only slightly it began to move down and then continued to move down and fall into the space below like an out-house. But the space below was several stories down, and I watched it fall and splash into the waste below. Then the person who was working on something that had to do with the piece that just fell had come close to where I was and I told him right away that the piece that was in the toilet had fallen. I wasn’t anxious about it; the attitude I had was that it is what it is and there was nothing I could do about it -it was completely out of my control. I thought to myself though that if the person who put it there really wanted to keep it safe from falling, he wouldn’t have put it there without securing it better in the first place. So because that piece had fallen, that toilet no longer worked. The man shrugged it off and said something like there were other toilets in the building, and then resumed to do things. I need to press into the Lord for the meaning of this one. 

In the next dream someone had died and I was walking down the steps to go into the room where the funeral was taking place. As I was walking on a short landing between the steps, there was a room on my right, and I looked into the open door and saw my sister-in-law wearing a dressy black skirt and blouse that looked really nice. She was standing in front of her kitchen cabinets doing things. Then I continued to walk down the short flight of steps and heard people singing; the service had already started and I was a bit late. I walked into the room and vaguely saw to my right a small group of people sitting. To my left was the stage area. Then I continued to walk and walked in front of the stage area, and in front of the stage was a big area of wooden bleachers (about five rows up) that was nearly empty (one person sitting off to the side and another could have been sitting somewhere else on the bleachers), but then I looked further to the side and saw a mother with children sitting there and chose to sit with them -they were sitting in a small room that was open too. Then as I was sitting with them, everyone was taking a break in the middle of the funeral service so the children could have a break and not sit for so long. So then they were having their break and one of the adults was saying that it was taking too long because the children were taking their time eating their snacks. This is also something I need to press into the Lord about.

Today I made chicken broth for our sore throats. I haven’t done a rapid test for covid yet but I’ll probably do that tonight or tomorrow -my throat is a bit itchy. Bella’s doing well, tired though with a sore throat. We’ll be fine, just something to wait out. Something that warms my heart is the dream where the mom gave her kids the most loving hug, and to think that she represents the Holy Spirit! God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit loves us so much more than we can ever imagine… Blessings to you!!