Walk with me

My faithful one come, you are mine. All is well with you. I am mightily pleased with you.

Oh Dad, I got a haircut today! I haven’t had short hair for so long! But I have to admit that I like it. I just need to get used to it. 

My daughter, I love you. Come, I have something for you today. Are you ready for it?

Father, I’m ready what ever it is. I’m ready because I trust you with my life; you have my whole heart and I’m all yours..

Good. Caroline, the time has come. Walk with me.

Father, thank-you for seeing the tiny speck of who I am in comparison to who you are. When you give this invitation, there’s no where else I’d rather be. You are so Great -I worship you Father God. You are mine.

Come and rest in Me as we walk my darling. I am yours and you are mine. 


I did it.. I think the back is a bit short but it’ll grow:) Okay, I was only asleep for about an hour when I woke up (just after 11) and had this dream which is a bit scary because I was told that I’m going to be blind in one eye. I’m not sure if I really am going to be blind in one eye or if it means that I’m not fully understanding something the Lord is saying. In my dream I was at my eye doctor’s clinic in a room. An eye specialist was there. I looked into a mirror to look at my right eye and saw very clearly brown spots on the side of my eye ball. I walked over to where the specialist was standing and showed him. He right away knew what it was but he had a hard time telling me. He’s say an educated word and I’d ask him, “What does that mean?” And then he’d say it in another way and I’d ask him again what that meant. Then he told me plainly that I was going to go blind in one eye. When he told me, he was looking at me fully in the face and I could see his brown eyes vividly. As he was telling me I could tell that he was afraid of how I might react and right after he told me, I reassured him that God had already told me and that I’d be okay. Right before he told me my doctor came into the room. 

At 2:22 I woke up again and dreamt that I was sitting with a small group of people, sitting beside a really wise lady who said she’d pray for my cousin Bill. I was overly excited and got up quickly to go and find his number. I grabbed a pencil from close to where I was to see if my brother Bill had his number -they always hung out together years ago. I had taken a few steps through the group when I saw my blue pen by my desk area that was on the floor, so I dropped the pencil and picked up the pen instead (pens indicated something permanent -pencils indicate something temporary because it can be erased). Then as I was running to go and find my brother, I noticed someone following me and I told her she should stay at the house and play there; if she followed me I’d call the cops. She was disappointed. The house was in the country among some trees. 

In this dream I was holding a newborn baby in my hands on top of what reminds me of some strips of narrow wood that holds a mattress on a bed frame (like my sons bed has strips of this wood holding his mattress instead of a solid board). I was holding the baby so that he/she was sitting on my hand, and I was moving the baby from between two of these strips of wood. Then I was holding the baby against the front of my shirt by my tummy and felt something warm and saw that the baby had peed on my shirt. 

In this next dream I walked into a hotel and the man who was greeting me was a bit flustered and didn’t know what to say. The people working at the hotel were getting ready for something. Then the scene changed where our truck was parked inside the hotel, and people were walking through it and trampling a lot of mud into it, making it very dirty. Then the scene changed again where I was talking with Bella in the entrance, and she was telling me that she really wanted to go to a hotel with a big pool. The hotel we were in right now, the water in the pool was a bit dirty and the people were a bit disorganized. I told her that we were going to a hotel that had really clean and clear water. Then it was time to go and Bella took my hand and knew where to go (today Bella and I were at the Children’s hospital where she got an ultrasound on her tummy, and it was a maze getting there from the entrance; afterward Bella was a big help with fingering out how to get back to the main entrance:)) Then our family was leaving the hotel and I looked back to the people who worked there who had said goodbye; we also said goodbye and I saw them a bit and watched as they closed the door. In the last dream my husband was laying in bed sick and I saw a moose that had put both it’s front paws on the bed. I had something like a broom with something white on it and was sweeping it back and forth on the floor and it had caught the mooses attention. I was quickly wanting to put it’s paws off the bed when I awoke. I need more time to discern what these dreams mean and will talk about them as I know more. Supported missions for Brazil on Monday! This Saturday I’m spending time with my sisters at my sisters house in Portage for my birthday:) I hope your week is going well! Blessings!