
Psalm 37:3-7

“Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desire of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him…”

My daughter come -all is well with you. You are Mine.

Father, in my prayer time with you before this, I heard “wait” (to hear from the Lord), and then “proceed,” and then “come.” 

My daughter, you heard right. Come, draw near to Me and I will be close to you.

Father, I so earnestly want to do whats right in my walk with you. Am I still hearing you and following your lead?

Come my darling and rest. Yes, you are hearing me correctly. It is time to rest.

Okay Father, thank-you. I love you.

I love you My darling.


Happy Monday!! Diving right in this morning. Last night I went to bed around 10:30, slept for half an hour and woke up just after 11:00 and had this dream. I was living with my mom and my sister Connie was in the kitchen. I heard the land-line phone ring in the kitchen several times and then I picked it up -it was sitting on a higher shelf, behind something else so I couldn’t see it, but I reached over the thing in the front of it and picked it up. It was one of those phones where the whole thing was rectangular in shape and faced down. I said hello and the lady on the other end began talking about mom, about her health. She said only two people got her question right. I asked her if my mom was one of the people and I had a feeling like she wasn’t. I thought I’d be surprised if she had. Then there was a small period of time where she couldn’t hear me, so I turned the receiver slightly over to look and see if the phone was accidentally muted, and I saw a bit of orange that showed it was. So I pushed the small thing to unmute it and asked her if she could hear me, and then she could. Then I told her I needed to go and she wanted to call back another time to talk; it sounded like she hadn’t had the chance yet to talk about the purpose of her call. So then I said yes, she could call around the same time that she had called now, which I sensed was around 4:00. Then I looked to see what the time was on the stove and other places in the kitchen, but I saw that there wasn’t a time displayed on any of the three appliances in the kitchen. Connie was there trying to help me figure it out. We saw on all three clocks that there was no time on them, and figured that the power had gone out and that’s why the time hadn’t been turned on and the display was blank. I think I saw a horizontal line where the time is normally displayed. On one of the clocks, maybe on the stove, I saw a word displayed where numbers would normally be but I don’t remember what the word was -though it had about 4 or 5 letters. Then before my dream ended, as I was listening on the phone, I heard in the lady’s background a musical instrument like an accordion, being played really loudly, like it was really close to the phone. I don’t know what this dream means, but the basic things are that I had heard the phone and was talking to the lady; I think this means that I’m hearing the Holy Spirit. She wanted to talk about my moms health; my mom represents making food, so for me its making spiritual food. I’m thinking that maybe I’m not spending enough time with the Lord? The feeling I had about her question was that my mom, me, hadn’t gotten her question right, but that there were two people who had. In Hannahs Cupboard the number two represents: sign for witness; testimony or unity; the two people who had gotten it right were in unity and had testimony? The clocks had no time displayed so maybe theres no time for something, and that it’s all done and the dept is paid in full? But there was a word there. I’m sensing that I need to spend more time in the Word… God is my Rock -sitting at the round table with him.. We watched Avatar on Friday and the second Lord of the Rings yesterday. I love the Ents, the trees:) Trees really stand out to me lately. Anyway, these are my thoughts.. Going Christmas shopping today. I hope you’ll all have a wonderful week!!!