Christ My Covering

Philippians 4:13

“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”


My daughter, come, you are Mine and I delight in you.

Oh Lord, I dream’t that I was in a school, running away from a man who had octopus tentacles. I think I know why; I believe it’s because you want me to go to cross-fit three times a week, and I didn’t go this morning. I had gone to bed too late because Bella wasn’t feeling well and I had stayed up late with her, plus, I felt a bit overwhelmed when I thought about the workout I’d be doing this morning. 

My daughter, never give up with anything I’ve asked you to do. You can do it all through me.  

Please forgive me Father for temporarily taking my eyes off you. This morning I sensed the peace I have in you had started to slip away, and no amount of physical comfort (more sleep) is worth losing that. 

I forgive you my faithful one. Come, draw near to me and I will be near to you. 

Okay Father, I’m ready to begin walking again; my eyes are on you.

Caroline my faithful servant, all is well with you. Give me your worry and I will give you rest. 

Oh Father.. another Christmas is passing by…

My daughter, come, rest, I am near to you. 


Happy Friday!! When I think about walking intimately with the Lord, something I need to overcome everyday is wanting to do my own will. I know there’s a purpose for God wanting me to do crossfit three times a week, and I know what that purpose is. But when I think about wanting to make my own decision about going to crossfit three times a week, sometimes I do want to take a break, but God showed me this morning that it’s important to him that I go regularly, so I need to honour him by obeying him. The Bible talks about being a slave to God and being his servant, and I do feel like this, but I know that God is a God of love so I feel more loved by him that he would care about such small details in my life. I’m also reminded that God disciplines his children. He disciplines those he loves. I’m glad that God teaches me even through my selfishness. Instead of feeling condemned, I feel more like I belong and that he’s my Dad. Changing the subject, my friend texted me saying she got food poisoning yesterday… I’m so sorry to hear that and will be praying for her.. I’ve never had food poisoning and I hope I never will! Over the Christmas holidays we’re planning on watching Black Panther: Wakanda Forever in the Theatre. A scene in the second Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers where Frodo and Sam slide down the hill near Mordor. Sam gets mostly buried in the rocks and Frodo covers both himself and Sam with his cape to hide from the enemy -it just reminds me of my dream where I was covered with a canopy of snow after my car had flipped into the ditch and I could hear people talking on the other side of my covering. I believe my dream represents that the Lord is my covering in our walk together and that he is my protection when the enemy wants so badly to pull me away from what the Lord is doing in my life. I sometimes may feel like I’m laying underneath a layer of dirt in the ground, but when I do, I know that Jesus gazes steadily at me, who’s face and who’s heart is so near to mine.. We ended up doing a bit more Christmas shopping today, and on our way home I was so amazed by the beautiful sun-dog! I was driving and I kept on expressing how beautiful it was so my husband took a photo of it for me. I’ve never seen it being so vibrant like I did today. The photo doesn’t do it justice, but I thought I’d post it anyway. Many blessings to you…