Love is stronger..

Psalm 36:9

“For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.”

My Father, I love you. Thank-you for being so near to me. I don’t have words to describe how thankful I am and how much in love I am with you.

I delight in you my daughter. Come, draw nearer to me and I will draw closer to you.

Oh Dad. Do you have a word few today?

Come my darling and rest; I have great plans for you. Not to harm you but to prosper you.

Father, I heard something yesterday that really resinated in my spirit; because you are a Good Good Father, all you do in our life is good, even when we don’t understand it at the time. I understand my walk with you better now than I did before, and I’m so thankful that you led me to do the things I did. And I’m still thankful that you’re leading me to walk past my comfort zones every week because I know it leads to growth in many ways. Thank-you for your comfort..

My daughter, what you said is true. Come, lets walk deeper still, for I have much work for you to do. 

Okay Dad. I know now that the girl who fell off the landing in my dream a few days ago but had gotten back up right away, was me. Thank-you for giving me that picture so that now I can have the right perspective. I’m back on my feet and I’m ready to go again. Thank-you for how you’re leading me and for wanting to draw me closer to you. I want to grow closer to you and I’m following you..

I love you my dear one. You are Mine. 


This post is post #356, so my next one will be 357 and I’m so thrilled!! The dream I had last night about physical intimacy reflects spiritual intimacy between Jesus my husband and myself, his bride (As a body of believers we are the bride of Christ -Revelation 22:17). In my dream I didn’t see his face but I had a knowing that it was him just like when we actually stand in front of someone, we know that we’re standing in front of them because we see them; the knowing was just as certain as if I saw his face. I did see his actual body, though vaguely, which I recognized. I also felt him, his nearness, and the love we have for each other, and this was the strongest sense that showed me this was him. We were laying in bed and we had made love; this was just a knowing, I didn’t actually experience this in my dream. Making love in my dream represents that in waking life we had spiritually made love, which I believe shows our spiritual intimacy is passionate. Because we had already made love in my dream, I thought it was okay that we touch each other, so I came closer to him and I stroked him twice… he was so greatly comforted by this. I also had a quick picture of his bare bum and I teasingly told him he had a small bum! Then we were still laying close to each other; he was on his side facing me, and I fell asleep (I’m at rest in my heart). I woke up and I knew he had been watching me, and I was greatly comforted and I felt deeply loved. It was quiet between us but words were not needed at this moment because of the intimate friendship that had already been grown between us through the Holy Spirit. There was a newness of physically coming together, which was more special than I can describe because of how deep our love is for each other, which is only possible through the Holy Spirit, having been led on a very long journey into intimacy. My eyes have been opened to realizing that love, real love, can only grow through the Holy Spirit. All love comes from God (because he is love) so it’s his work through the Holy Spirit that enables the love he’s placed in each one of us, to grow between people and our love for Him. The more we spend time with others, the more our love will grow for them; the more we spend time with God, the more our love for him will grow. And his love for us is always filled to the brim and overflowing, which is unconditional. Then in my dream I was laying on my back (fully surrendered), and I saw I had black leggings on and Jesus my husband came overtop of me from my left; we just laid there like that (my covering). Then after awhile I saw there was a section of the big room we were in that had a line that separated that section of the room from the larger area where we were in. And there were about 7-10 men sitting at their desk or table, sitting by themselves all over that area, looking down (7 years of looking down?)The feeling like they shouldn’t be seeing our intimacy was present. When Jesus my husband looked and saw them, he slowly came off of me. It was like now we needed to go back to work. 

Then the scene changed where we were in a community of some kind, in a large building. It was time to go back to work and someone, a lady who could represent the Holy Spirit, was helping me get ready. We were going to go somewhere and work among the trees or in the woods. I chose two umbrella’s and I hooked them onto something, a place where I knew was mine (umbrella -emotional protection; I hung them up, could represent that I didn’t need them anymore). Then I walked to a movable rack where all my clothes were hanging. The first thing I saw were some boxes that were filled with grey material that had curvy designs on it. Then I looked and saw that I had a long pleated skirt made from this same material hanging on a rack that had so much material that it looked like a curtain.  The skirt came all the way down to the floor. It was a light grey which represents that something wasn’t as bad as I had thought. Then I saw other clothing I had there; I saw a nice summer blouse (optimism) that I really liked and I had a desire to wear that, and at the end of the rack I saw what reminds me of my brown skirt. I wanted to wear that skirt but I didn’t have a shirt to go with it, and I thought just a plain black shirt would be fine. Brown represents genuinely wanting to get rid of something negative, or undesirable situations are being fixed or improved. Then I looked some more and found a comfortable, casual blueish shirt (positivity). The feeling I had in this setting was that we were there for only a short while, and the clothing I had packed were the clothing that were hung on the rack. So I was looking for something to wear, and the feeling I had was that I had a positive outlook.

Then the scene changed where all the others had gone out to work and I hadn’t gone and felt bad. They were all coming back now. There was a long table with a long bench on each side and those who had gone out had come back and were sitting on the benches, sitting to take off their work gear. Among them was Jesus my husband, sitting on the other side and facing the outer direction, so I saw his side (I wasn’t sitting directly behind him so I saw more his side and also his back). He had taken off his shirt and I saw sweat on his back and arms and I knew that he had worked really hard. (In my dream I saw a mental picture of tree bases, and there were some small animals that had been trying to hide in the shadow of the tree they were close too. I would see them move into place and then they were still, camouflaged in the tree’s shadow.) Hiding in someone’s shadow? I’m not sure. Then I had a vague sense of being together with Jesus my husband and also others, but feeling bad that I hadn’t gone out with them to help with the hard work. In waking life I often feel bad because a lot of my work during the day is writing at my desk. I try and sub a few times a week but sometimes that doesn’t happen and I feel like I’m less than because of it because of other people’s expectations -this has been stressful for me. Yesterday late evening at church I saw something and I was biting my tongue, forcing myself not to cry. All I wanted to do was run.. not because of unbelief but because of how deeply I hurt. I now know how the Holy Spirit is leading and I know I need to see things in order for the next step to take place, so I’m both so thankful I saw what I did but it really breaks my heart at the same time. The only reason I didn’t leave quicker is because my kids were sitting closer and I needed to tell them I’d meet them in the car, but then when I came closer to them I couldn’t leave.. because love is stronger… I’m okay now because the Holy Spirit has comforted my heart. Because this has happened and the Holy Spirit has brought comfort to my heart, I’m more in love with him and Jesus my husband -needing to be closer and waiting for that day… Come As You Are..