Love is Kind

Isaiah 44:1-3

“But now listen, O Jacob, my servant, Israel, whom I have chosen. This is what the Lord says-he who made you, who formed you in the womb, and who will help you: Do not be afraid, O Jacob, my servant, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen. For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.” 

My Father,

My faithful one, I love you -you are Mine. Go forward; I will give you the strength you need. Rest.

…My daughter come, walk with me and I will see you through.

Dad, I’m just so disappointed that I didn’t go last Saturday. I didn’t know how important it was and the thought of other people’s disappointment is too much for me to bear. 

I love you my darling. Come, rest, all is well with you (You are in right standing with me.).


This morning our workout was for time: 22 min: 40 strict pull-ups, 60 Deadlifts; 40 cal-row, 360 single-unders. I completed everything except the last stretch of sing-unders. We needed to break up the workout however we needed to get it done. I used a purple and a black band for my pull-ups, and 85lbs for my deadlifts. I went to the chiropractor yesterday, knowing I’d be doing deadlifts today, so todays workout went great. I had a headache yesterday and the chiropractor asked if I had a headache, which I did, so she adjusted the very top of my spine where it connects to my head, and my headache went away within an hour or two. I hadn’t taken any Advil because it wasn’t bad enough, and I’m glad I didn’t just so I could learn the reason why I had a headache -I hardly ever get them. Another thing I learned when I was with my mom last summer at one of her appointments is that a person can get migraines and not feel them, which is my case. I’ve only experienced this once, last spring or summer when I noticed in one eye I couldn’t see about half my vision. So I took a nap and when I got up it was gone. Friday for the strength component we’re doing Hang-Power clean +Thruster. For the workout we’re doing 10 rounds of: 3 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters, 5 Chest-to-bar Pull ups, 7 Burpee over bars. 

Two nights ago I dreamt about a pink ball of ice-cream:) My pink nail polish is holding up!! I’m not adding fresh nail polish because in my dream I had a sense of wondering if the nail polish I would put on, on Sunday would last, so I haven’t touched it up. I’m not sure what the Lord means by this but that’s okay. I had a few dreams last night. One of the main pastors of my church and the person he was with wanted to help someone. I saw him in front of me looking at me and he seemed really earnest about helping this woman. My pastor lived in the city but they were going to pretend that they were just passing through it in order to be able to get a better price on something, I think land. So my friend and I were driving somewhere to talk with someone to help with that. We were driving to a gas station; we were driving up onto a wide parking lot of a really big and long blue building, reminds me Ikea. Coming into the parking lot had a one way road and going out also had a one way road. In the middle of this parking lot was a small building that reminds me of a gas station, and it was there that we were driving to. My friend was in the drivers seat and I was in the passenger seat. We had stopped and my friend had gotten out right away to talk with someone there; he needed to talk with someone and order something. Then I also got out and as I stood up in the cars open door area, my friend and the person who my friend was talking with came to where I was. The person reminds me of a waiter or waitress, and they came to me and asked me something, I had already said I wanted two, but my friend had already put his order in and had only ordered one, something like a round pastry, so I changed my mind and said just one. So I vaguely saw the waiter write on a paper and changed the order from two to one. Then I saw a small plate in someones hand; I think it was the waiters hand that had two round pastries on a small plate (one kind of on top of the other, which reminds me of the round pastery with cheese and onions I had last Sunday -so good!), one for my friend and one for me. I looked at his face and saw that he was pleased and that I had made the right decision. I saw that he had slightly nodded his head to show me that I had made the right decision. Then my friend and the waiter began turning away like it was done and the decision was made, and that was the end of my dream. Last night before bed I was pleading with the Lord to give me direction about my next recording. I got the okay to revise the one I had done, but I wasn’t sure if this last one should be a continuation to the one I had just done because I have so much I could say, or if I should just revise it, which then would include some of the same dreams. So having had this dream, I’m not going to make it into two but stay with one and just revise it. In my dream Jesus showed me his approval by a nod of his head, so I will go ahead and do that..

This next dream I was in a poor, rundown house and I had a feeling like there was a woman who should have been in her bed and bedroom, but she wasn’t; I don’t think she was in her house. Then I was standing outside among some trees and shrubs, looking down at a big tunnel leading into the ground where it was dark, and the way into it was clear. I was having a hard time yesterday, really feeling disappointed with myself that I didn’t recognize how important it was for me to be at church on Saturday, though I’m not sure this dream represents myself. 

In this dream there was an asian woman standing in front of me that had shoulder length brown hair. I was cutting her hair off at the back of her head because I was going to eat it. I cut her hair so short that I could see her scalp, close to the top of her head, and I could see that I had cut very close to a bruised and very tender area. I had cut the top /back hair off and then also the section lower than that, and I felt so bad and I apologized for the sore on her head. I could see her skin had opened a bit. The woman said it was okay as she patiently stood there, looking down a bit. Other people were going to cut her hair in different places so that they could eat it too. I don’t know if I caused the sore on her head or if it was already there. Okay, I’m not sure what this represents but I always hoped that I will never need to go bald; being bald is bad enough for a woman, and having a bit of a flat spot on my head is even worse! My mom didn’t need to but she gave me formula when I was a baby, so now I have a flat spot on my head from laying down so much. Because of this when my kids were born, even though I never gave them formula, I always put them kind of to the side, not enough so that they’d role over, but so that they wouldn’t get a flat spot on their head, and now they don’t. Going back to my dream, cutting off long hair represents a lost power or freedom, though willingly could represent a fresh start. But because I had cut her hair, it revealed a wound. I’m not sure what this wound represents and will need to pray into it. Something else that I’ve not mentioned yet is that I need to wear real white gold earrings because of sensitivity, so that’s why I don’t change my earrings very often because of how expensive they are. In January I had gone to the outlet mall and bought myself some earrings, studs for my second piercing. My right side has been infected for a while, so I’m putting Fucidin cream on it; I’ll give it a few more weeks and if it doesn’t heal, I’ll just take my second piercings out. 

In this dream it was a clear day, light outside, and I had driven into a major intersection, driving right. Then I pulled over to my right again and stopped on the shoulder to make certain of something about the road I was going to go on before heading out. I didn’t see my phone but I sensed I was checking my phone. 

We sold our camper-trailer last summer to my youngest sister and her family. And my husband brought our gst and taxes away to get done, I’m so relieved. I have a dentist appointment next Thursday. I made Soft Cocoa cookies with choc.chips yesterday.. Blessings everyone, have a wonderful week!!!